Sunday, May 24, 2020

Understanding Different Approaches Of Health Education

Understanding Different approaches of Health education In this report I am going to explain three different Approaches that can be used to promote Health Education these three approaches are The role of Mass media, Social marketing and The Community development approach I am also going to explain information about what the approaches are and what the benefits and limitations of each approach is. Mass Media What is Mass media? The first approach I am writing about is how the role of mass media can be used in health education. Mass media is any communication form which can reach a ‘mass’ of audience. Mass media is one of the most common ways to promote health education if successful mass media can be very powerful and captivate the audience. Mass media can be shown in any form of the media such as the radio, television, magazines, and billboards. Pre-planned campaigns and advertising are the most popular forms of Mass media in Health Education. The role of mass media has many advantages such as targeting large groups of target audiences; the target audiences are a group of people who process similar attitudes and beliefs. If the health education campaign relates to a large audience this would mean the message broadcasted will have a larger impact therefore making the advert more effective and this can raise awareness. If the message appeals to a large target audience the public knowledge of the health issue can be increased very quickly, this leads to a more raisedShow MoreRelatedTeaching Health Care Students About Disability Within A Cultural Competency Context1166 Words   |  5 Pagesdifferently, even in health care settings, than people without disabilities. These differences come in several forms, including communication, coverage, and quality of care. It is important to instill positive, equal ways to interact with disabled patients early in health care students. Educators in various health care disciplines are advocating for a curricula to better serve disabled patients because currently there are major disconnects between the disabled patients and the health care providers.Read MoreComparison with Community Psychology and Public Health1055 Words   |  5 Pagespsychology to community programs for the prevention of mental health disorders and the promotion of mental health.† Public health (PH) on the other hand is defined as â€Å"the science and practice of protecting and improving the health of a community as by preventative medicine; health education; control of communicable diseases; application of sanitary measures and monitoring of environmental hazards (website two, 2007).† Both approaches have its own merits that set it apart from the other and similaritiesRead MoreComparison with Community Psychology and Public Health1049 Words   |  5 Pagespsychology to community programs for the prevention of mental health disord ers and the promotion of mental health.† Public health (PH) on the other hand is defined as â€Å"the science and practice of protecting and improving the health of a community as by preventative medicine; health education; control of communicable diseases; application of sanitary measures and monitoring of environmental hazards (website two, 2007).† Both approaches have its own merits that set it apart from the other and similaritiesRead MoreVark929 Words   |  4 PagesFamily Centered Health Promotion July 5th, 2015 Analysis of Learning Styles Learning styles of individual students vary and as a consequence, learning needs also change from each student to the next (Liew, Sidhu, Barua, 2015). The â€Å"styles† for learning that are widely adopted include the Visual, Auditory, Read/Write, Kinesthetic (VARK) model, developed by Fleming and Mills (1992) include Visual (V), Auditory (A), Read/Write (R) and Kinaesthetic (K) types of learning approaches. The VisualRead MorePrinciples Of Health Promotion And The Nurse s Role As Behavior Change Facilitator1502 Words   |  7 PagesPrinciples of Health Promotion and the Nurse’s Role as Behaviour Change Facilitator Introduction This report explores the fundamental role of Health Promotion to the health sector and individuals in relation to their biological, psychological and sociological aspects. To discuss its practical role in the society, a health promotion model is related to a family that lives in socially deprived district as determined by Welsh Index of Multiple Deprivation (2014). In accordance to confidentialityRead MoreApplying Best Practices To Designing Patient Education : Article Analysis888 Words   |  4 PagesThe Article entitled â€Å"Applying Best Practices to Designing Patient Education for Patients with End-Stage Renal Disease Pursuing Kidney Transplant† Davis, Fish, Peipert, Skelton Waterman (2015). Despite the known benefits of kidney transplants, less than thirty percent of the six hundred and fifteen thousand patients’ are living with end-stage renal disease in the United States have received a transplant. More than One hundred thousand people are presently on the transplant waiting list. The significantRead MoreThe Application Of Transcultural Nursing Theory1253 Words   |  6 Pagestheory guides nurses to care for patients with different cultures. However, nursing scholars are beginning to explore that cultural education in nursing is not discussing the power relations found between the nurse-patient relationship and health care institutions. It has been suggested that nursing curricula needs to change from teaching cultural phenomena and incorporating critical theory to address social injustices that harm the client’s health. The purpose of this paper is to explore transculturalRead MoreEssay1331 Words   |  6 Pagesefficient context knowledge as well as the knowledge of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island students learning needs. The topics covered will include Indigenous placement and displacement, the impact of socio-economic status on Indigenous students and the health and wellness of Indigenous students with the focus being on whole school and classroom practices, with examples of resources, to support teaching Indigenous students. Indigenous placement and displacement still greatly affects Indigenous peopleRead MoreNursing Curriculum : A Call For Change913 Words   |  4 Pagescomplex health care system. In 2010, Mill, Astle, Ogilvie and Gustaldo wrote about linking global citizenship, undergraduate education and professional nursing in the 21th century (E1). They believe that linking global citizenship to transform nursing curriculum will aid in better-prepared nurses. Benner, Sutphen, Leonard and Day (2010) believe transforming curriculum involves integrating knowledge, skilled know-how, and ethical comportment to increase the effectiveness of nursing education (p.12)Read MoreTeaching A Sporting Session : The Australian National Football League1546 Words   |  7 PagesAccording to the Australian Government Department of Health it is essential for your health and wellbeing to be physically active and limit sedentary behaviour in children, adolescence and adults. Those whom decrease sedentary behaviour through physical activity are more likely to improve their health and live an active lifestyle (Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour, 2014). As a nation, we all live and breathe sport whether that be Australian Football League (AFL), Soccer, National Rugby League

Monday, May 18, 2020

Presentar mocin para reabrir un caso de deportacin

La mocià ³n para reabrir un caso es una posibilidad que las leyes de inmigracià ³n permiten para luchar una orden de deportacià ³n en circunstancias concretà ­simas. Requisitos previos para poder presentar una mocià ³n para reabrir un caso Tiene que haber una orden de deportacià ³n.El extranjero contra el que se ordena la deportacià ³n tiene que estar presente en Estados Unidos. Si deja el paà ­s, voluntariamente o forzosamente, la mocià ³n se considera abandonada. Tampoco aplica si el extranjero salià ³ de Estados Unidos y despuà ©s regresà ³ ilegalmente.  ¿Cuà ¡les son las circunstancias que permiten que pueda presentarse una mocià ³n para reabrir un caso? Para que una mocià ³n para reabrir un caso ya sentenciado y que acabà ³ con un orden de deportacià ³n sea admitida debe alegarse: a) ha habido un cambio en la ley o pueden aplicarse argumentos legales que no se tuvieron en cuenta b) no se tuvieron en consideracià ³n ciertos aspectos del caso. Como ejemplos, aunque hay mà ¡s, pueden nombrarse: Cuando se puede alegar circunstancias como tener derecho a una green card por matrimonio con un ciudadano americano o residente, empleo, TPS, etc.Cuando se aprueba una ley de inmigracià ³n que favorecerà ­a al extranjero.Cuando el abogado que defendià ³ al extranjero en el caso de deportacià ³n no fue profesional y no tuvo en cuenta plazos, notificaciones, argumentos legales, etc.  ¿Cuà ¡l es el plazo para presentar una mocià ³n para reabrir? El plazo es de 90 dà ­as pero se computa de manera diferente si la decisià ³n de la deportacià ³n procede de un juez de inmigracià ³n o del tribunal de apelaciones (BIA, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). En casos especiales en los que la deportacià ³n se ordenà ³ in abstentia, es decir, sin que el extranjero afectado estuviese presente, podrà ­a reabrise el caso incluso aà ±os mà ¡s tarde si se puede probar que no se enterà ³ de que tuviese en su contra esa orden de deportacià ³n y que no fue su culpa la razà ³n por la que no acudià ³ a la vista en la que se ordenà ³ su expulsià ³n del paà ­s. Por ejemplo, si puede demostrar que nunca recibià ³ la citacià ³n, o que estaba muy enfermo y por esa razà ³n no acudià ³. Por ejemplo, hay personas que llevan aà ±os en Estados Unidos como indocumentadas y sin enterarse que tienen en su contra una orden de deportacià ³n. Y puede que algunos de ellos con el paso de los aà ±os se casen con un ciudadano o con un residente y podrà ­an tener abierta la puerta a obtener una tarjeta de residencia por matrimonio. En estos casos habrà ­a que considerar muy seriamente con un abogado de inmigracià ³n si es posible reabrir el caso de la orden de deportacià ³n de la que durante aà ±os no supieron ni que existà ­a. En todo caso, estos asuntos son delicadà ­simos y antes de hacer nada, presentar escritos o acudir a una oficina de inmigracià ³n es muy recomendable obtener buen consejo legal especà ­fico para el caso de cada uno y averigà ºar si hay o no una orden de deportacià ³n en contra.  ¿Cà ³mo se solicita una mocià ³n para reabrir un caso? Con el formulario del Servicio de Inmigracià ³n y Ciudadanà ­a (USCIS, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) con el nà ºmero I-290B. El arancel por este servicio es de $630. Para asegurarse de que el USCIS ha recibido la documentacià ³n dentro de plazo puede solicitarse ese servicio. Consecuencias Es muy importante entender que la presentacià ³n dentro de plazo de una mocià ³n para reabrir un caso no paraliza la orden de deportacià ³n, que sigue su curso. Excepto que asà ­ lo decida el juez de inmigracià ³n. Lo que sà ­ la paraliza es una apelacià ³n. Nada impide presentarla junto con la mocià ³n.  ¿Quà © pasa si no se tiene razà ³n? Sà ³lo en algunos casos es posible apelar la desestimacià ³n de una mocià ³n para reabrir.    ¿Se puede suspender temporalmente la deportacià ³n? Si se han agotado todos los caminos para luchar contra una orden de deportacià ³n y es necesario mà ¡s tiempo por razones personales graves y justificadas entonces es posible solicitar una suspensià ³n o aplazamiento temporal de la deportacià ³n. Es lo que se conoce en inglà ©s como stay of deportation or removal.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Summary of Literature Review on Dividends - 2145 Words

Assignment 1 Examined topic or field of the literature review article The article is called Dividend policy: A review of Theories and Empirical Evidence. In this article, the main theories on dividend policy are described and their credibility is evaluated. Connection between the reviewed paper and my research proposal According to my research proposal, the master thesis topic will be â€Å"Comparative analysis of companies’ dividend policy: international perspective†. Therefore, the literature review on dividend policy has a direct connection to my research proposal. There are several factors that explain this connection. First of all, any master thesis has to start with a literature review of existing studies in the studied area†¦show more content†¦Initially, investors received not only the dividends but also their initial investment each time the ship voyage was successful. Eventually, the initial investment was no longer returned after each voyage. Instead, investors would receive a dividend from their initial investment after each successful voyage. At a certain point, this form of financing business activities transferred onto other business activities. Dividend payout played a very important role which was much greater than the role of capital gains income because investors did not fully trust reports (which were not very reliable at that time) and wanted to avoid risk associated with the uncertainty of share prices. These works are not as important as other works because in my master thesis I am planning to analyze the contemporary situation and not the historical perspective, however they are useful for general knowledge and also some of these information should be placed in the master thesis. 4. The works describing and analyzing the key dividend theories These works can be further divided into subgroups, depending on which theory they describe and analyze: Dividend Irrelevance Hypothesis a) Modigliani, Franco, and Merton H. Miller, 1958, The Cost of Capital, Corporation Finance and the Theory of Investment, American Economic Review 48, 261-297. High dividends increase stock valueShow MoreRelatedData Analysis : A Critical Analysis Of The 2008 Financial Crisis1054 Words   |  5 Pagesfuture researchers hence should be seen as the first retail based research on the LSE in relation to the effect of 2008 financial crisis on dividend policy. Hence, these study limitations provide some interesting ideas for further research. In the future, some of the limitations could be solved by examining the impact of the financial crisis on the dividend payment policy on a greater scale. Thus, a suggestion for future research could be to increase the sample size by including more firms, for exampleRead MoreReview on Kaplan and Zingales Research Paper About Relationship Between Investment Cash Flow and Financial Constraint1067 Words   |  5 PagesReview and Evaluation on ‘Do Investment-Cash Flow Sensitivities Provide Useful Measures of Financing Constraints’ by Kaplan and Zingales (QJE,1997) The research paper written by Steven N. Kaplan and Luigi Zingales as titled above which was published in year 1997 is to test the relationship linking investment-cash flow with financial constraint. In their research, they found that firm with a low level of financial constraint have a tendency to have a high investment-cash flow sensitivity. HoweverRead MoreA Brief Note On The Worlds Largest Medical Technology Company1083 Words   |  5 Pagesbillion in 2013(Y-Charts, 2014). The stock price of Medtronic has increased in value by 13.41% since July of 2013. The forward annual dividend yield is 1.90% and there are 995.76 million shares outstanding (Medtronic, 2013). The dividend payments for Medtronic are currently $.305 cents per share, the dividend payments have been steadily climbing. In 2010 the dividend payment was only $.205 per share. Medtronic’s net profit margin is 20.9% compared to the healthcare industry standard of 16.99% (NYSERead MoreDividends Policy and Common Stock Prices9330 Words   |  38 Pageshow much a company should pay its stockholders, as dividend is one that has been of concern to managers for a long time. The optimal dividend policy of a firm may be defined as the one that increases shareholders wealth by the greatest amount. It is therefore necessary, to understand the nature of the relationship between dividend and value of the firm. It is in the light of this that the study examines the possible effects of a firm’s dividend policy on the market price of its common stock withRead MoreQuestions On Arbitrage Pricing Theory1493 Words   |  6 Pagesreasonable list of factors. First, we want to restrict ourselves to a limited number of systematic factors with considerable ability to explain security returns.† Arbitrage Pricing Theory 1. Introduction †¢ Brief background on the subject from the literature Ever since Ross (1976) proposed the arbitrage pricing theory (APT) as an alternative to the capital pricing model, many economists and investors have applied APT across different markets. Whereas the traditional capital pricing model explainedRead MoreDividend Policy : Review Of Theories2650 Words   |  11 PagesDividend Policy – Review of Theories Introduction Dividend policy refers to the payout policy that a company follows in determining the size and pattern of distributions to shareholders over time. Distribution of cash to shareholders by either payment of dividends and repurchase of shares has been a hotly debated topic amongst scholars. There exists many answers to an optimal dividend policy that satisfies both shareholders and management. With this the company generally faces two operational choicesRead MoreCorporate Finance Practices in Frontier Markets and Malawis Economic Development3233 Words   |  13 Pagesfrontier markets: Empirical evidence companies listed Malawi Stock Exchange Literature review 1. Introduction to the literature review chapter The literature review chapter is designed to provide relevant input from the specialized literature on the topic of corporate frontier markets, with emphasis on four specific elements, namely the capital budgeting practices, the cost capital, the capital structure and the dividend policy. The current section is constructed with in depth research into theRead MoreSamuelson’s Dictum and the Stock Market5657 Words   |  23 Pagesthe dictum that the stock market is ‘‘micro efï ¬ cient’’ but ‘‘macro inefï ¬ cient.’’ That is, the efï ¬ cient markets hypothesis works much better for individual stocks than it does for the aggregate stock market. In this article, we review a strand of evidence in recent literature that supports Samuelson’s dictum and present one simple test, based on a regression and a simple scatter diagram, that vividly illustrates the truth in Samuelson’s dictum for the U.S. stock market data since 1926. (JEL G14) IRead MoreSamuelsons Dictum and the Stock Market5643 Words   |  23 Pagesthe dictum that the stock market is ‘‘micro efï ¬ cient’’ but ‘‘macro inefï ¬ cient.’’ That is, the efï ¬ cient markets hypothesis works much better for individual stocks than it does for the aggregate stock market. In this article, we review a strand of evidence in recent literature that supports Samuelson’s dictum and present one simple test, based on a regression and a simple scatter diagram, that vividly illustrates the truth in Samuelson’s dictum for the U.S. stock market data since 1926. (JEL G14) Read MoreWm Wrigleys Jr Company Case Study2798 Words   |  12 Pagesissuance of $3bn debt. It explores two alternate means of allocation for the funds; pay out a one-time dividend or carry out a share repurchase. Both methods are analyzed in regards to an optimal capital structure and maximizing share holder value (value of the firm). A compilation of historical data and future predictions were used for the basis of this report, and recommendations. Literature Review The following paper will draw on Modigliani and Miller’s (1958) theorem of capital structure to determine

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Israel s Impact On The Middle East - 1167 Words

Israel: Few Against Many Despite being one of the worlds’ smallest countries, Israel has prevailed in all conflicts since its independence from British rule in 1948. (U.S. Relations with Israel) If Israel is lost to the neighboring countries the United States will lose an important ally and strong presence in the Middle East. Despite all the controversy and conflict over the 7,850 square miles is home to some of the holiest sites of Judaism, Islam, and Christianity. From the southernmost, desert The Negev, this consumes 50% of Israel, to the splitting crustal plates in The Great Rift Valley (Israel: Geographic Regions). The heartland of agriculture lies in the Mediterranean Coastal Plain where two-thirds of the population lives. The Central and Northern Highlands are continuous north-south mountains whose central portion lies within the western bank, the Highlands are separated also by the fifth and final major geological region which is The Plain of Esdraelon a rough triangul ar shaped valley. Regardless from the small size, the climate for Israel is diverse. Winds from the north pass over the Mediterranean Sea bringing moisture to the land, the same winds from the southern portion pass thru the Egyptian Sinai Desert causing an extreme arid climate. The economic growth rate is sluggish at best with the year 2005 having a growth rate of 5.25 percent and 2006 having a slightly lower growth rate than the prior year. Many of these setbacks are due to theShow MoreRelated Water In the Middle East: Prospects for Conflict and Cooperation 1028 Words   |  5 PagesReasons and origins of the conflict for water are dating back in the late 40s and the Arab-Israeli conflict. More precisely, the countries involved that represent potential conflict are Israel and Syria, as well as Israel and Palestine. For example, what can be mentioned here are Israeli aspirations to keep tight control over the economically important areas. This is directly linked to the water issues and diverting the water from one to another region. Other Arab countries are strongly opposingRead MoreSoviet Penetration and Growth in Syria During the Late 1950s1406 Words   |  6 PagesSoviet penetration of Syria arguably grew to its peak in the late 1950s and the early 1960s, although it would persist throughout the 70s and the U.S.S.R.s existence. There are a couple of highly eminent events which took place that allowed the Soviet presence to gain the degree of salience that it did during the aforementioned epoch. The first of which was the ending of World War II, which effectively decimated virtually every other competing world power aside from the United States and RussiaRead MoreThe United States And The Middle East1245 Words   |  5 Pagesmuch of the United States’ history, affairs in the Middle East have been an important focus. A more recent example is President Barack Obama attempting to deal with the terrorist organization, ISIS, because they are threatening the security of American allies. In the past, multiple other presidents have intervened in Middle Eastern affairs because they believe that doing so would be in the best interest of the United States. The importance of Middle Eastern affairs to the United States during the 1960sRead MoreEssay about The United States Greatest Fears 933 Words   |  4 Pagespossesses an extreme amount of power that makes it very authoritative and influential. It is a country used to being at the top, never below in supremacy. The U.S. fears communism, loosing Israel’s support, and the unification of countries in the Middle East. The United States fears equality among its community and therefore does not agree or like communism. For America, the idea of the distribution of the wealth of the people by the government equally is impossible. As it is a free country, communismRead MoreThe Rise Of Nuclear Weapons1665 Words   |  7 Pages‘The Rise of Nuclear Weaponry in the Middle East’ Daisaku Ikeda, a spiritual leader in Japan once commented, ‘Japan learned from the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki that tragedy wrought by nuclear weapons must never be repeated and that humanity and nuclear weapons cannot coexist.’ The world has experienced the bombings of Japan, of Pearl Harbor and the conflict of the Cold War, but even with these conflicts present in our history, warning us of the effects of conflict and nuclear weaponry coexistingRead MoreThe Health Of American Politics Essay1053 Words   |  5 Pagesabout two topics which they are the American politics and the American democracy. I am going to discuss one issue regarding each topic. In the topic of American politics, I will describe the negative impact of the Israeli lobby on the American Politic. After that, I will describe the negative impact of the electoral college system on the American democracy. The Israeli lobby and the electoral college system are affecting the health of American politi cs and democracy negatively. In the past fewRead MoreThe Arab-Israeli Conflict and Black-Jewish Relations953 Words   |  4 PagesThese people considered the Palestinians as their brothers because they shared the same skin color and religion. The good relations between Blacks and Jews was also affected by the thought that Jews were Zionist or pro-Israel by many Blacks. Notably, the main event that had a huge impact and effect on the Black-Jewish relations was the Arab-Israeli conflict. Black Jewish Relations: Blacks and Jews were natural allies who were able to automatically empathize with each others predicament since bothRead MoreThe War Of The Gulf War1260 Words   |  6 PagesIraq War. Origins Throughout the cold war Iraq had been ally under Soviet Union.The main concentration of USA was against this position of Soviet-Iraq relationship.Even the US was concerned with Iraq s position on Israeli-Palestinian politics and its disapproval of the nature of the peace between Israel and Egypt.The US also disliked Iraqi support for many Arab and Palestinian militant groups such as Abu Nidal,which led to its inclusion on the developing US list of state sponsors of terrorism on 29thRead MoreEssay on Role of Geography in the Arab-Israeli Conflict1675 Words   |  7 Pagessatisfied, the appearance of religious conflict will exist in the Middle East. It seems as if the real truth needs to be portrayed to the rest of the world about the true reason for the Arab-Israeli conflict, which is geography and ultimately water. The lack of water stems from the Great Syrian Rift Zone, and causes damage to Israeli land which ultimately decreases the amount of water that flows into the Red Sea. Th is lack of water causes Israel and other surrounding countries (Jordan, Lebanon, and theRead MoreThe Palestinian Domain Of The West Bank1498 Words   |  6 Pagesdetours, and the division divider hinder and limit development inside the Palestinian domain. Since 1967, when Israel vanquished these regions, Palestinians have been living under Israeli military occupation. While in a few sections of the land Israel has permitted a Palestinian self-governing element to tackle such civil capacities as instruction, human services, base and policing, Israel holds general force. Israeli constrains frequently usurp private area, detain people without methodology, including

The Illegalization Of Capital Punishment - 1441 Words

Brianna Pulido Ms. Ingram American Literature 14 April, 2015 The Illegalization of Capital Punishment The Death Penalty, also termed capital punishment, is the legal process in which a person is put to death by the federal or state government based on having committed one of 43 capital crimes, such as first-degree murder, espionage or treason. The death penalty is enforced based upon the idea that law abiding members of society will no longer have to worry about convicted criminals being able to carry out even more heinous crimes within their lifetimes. However enforcing the death penalty has also created a huge uproar, as some believe that taking the life of fellow human being is one of the worst, irreversible offenses one can do to another person. These naysayers believe that putting someone to death denies a person his or her basic, human right to life. Capital punishment should therefore be illegal primarily because it infringes upon this basic human right. It should also be illegal because it is an extremely expensive procedure that costs taxpayers a huge amount of money t o maintain. As well, when the death penalty is enforced, the victim is never given a chance for rehabilitation, which is a very unfair way to punish someone. Finally, the death penalty should not be legal because there are race disparities among those who are put to death, which raises questions of equity and overall fairness of its enforcement. When there is a pending death sentence, theShow MoreRelatedThe Right, The American Dream1322 Words   |  6 Pagesto older times, in 1780, British Major John Andrà © was executed by the Continental Army via noose. The horrendous act was based on a clandestine claim of espionage - an accusation some still deliberate the validity of to this day. In the past, capital punishment has been used for chastising behavior contradictory to the prosperity of society. Many plea successes in the implementation of the death penalty because of alleged depletion of criminal activity, an argument proponents state is supreme in determiningRead MoreThe intr oduction of new technological advanced innovations and methods during the Market Revolution1700 Words   |  7 Pageswithout the presence of the industry. In addition, prostitution will not easily influence a person’s idea of sexual relationship if one is taught the proper treatment of women and sexual relations. While some people call for strict regulations and punishment regarding prostitution, other individuals argue that each individual should have the right to choose the path they want to take. They believe that banning prostitution come into conflict with human basic right because it limits a person freedomRead MoreCapital Punishment : Persuasive Essay1844 Words   |  8 PagesDeAnna Pirrie ENG 201 Troxell A2D1 Illegalization of Capital Punishment Audience: Citizens of States with Capital Punishment â€Å"Two wrongs don’t make a right† is a saying that a lot of mothers use with their children regarding their actions. This saying also goes hand in hand with the issue of capital punishment. Capital punishment has been a penalty for crimes in the United States since before the Declaration of Independence was created. Some states have abolished this type of penalty for criminals;Read MoreWhere Have All The Criminals Gone?1594 Words   |  7 PagesHave all the Criminals Gone?† addresses the question of why crime rates suddenly dropped in the 1990’s. Various assumptions made by people during this time are given, such as a strong economy, increased reliance on prisons and increased use of capital punishment, innovative policing strategies and increased number of police, gun laws, change in crack and other drug markets, and the aging of the population. However, the most convincing reason for the crime decline is due to the legalization of abortion

Penal Laws Essay

Question: Describe about the Penal Laws and Issue? Answer: Definition: In according with the section 377A of the Singapore Penal code, if any man, in open consign or in confidential performs any activity of coarse licentiousness along with another person of male gender, then both of the individuals shall be penalized in terms of incarceration or imprisonment for a term that might be sentenced upto two years. This meticulous provision of the disquiet statute comprised with the act relating to sexual activity among men that is gay sex. This provision does not applicable to female persons. Acts relating to homosexuality is a crime in accordance with the Singapore penal statute. The scope of this section also contains the acts relating to oral sex. Women are totally excused from this section of the concern statute (Ben-Naim, 2010). Issues: In respect of section 377A of the Penal Code of Singapore a moral question always comes into the mind of the adjudicators that whether the homosexuals in the society should have the right to do sex in private place or not. Some supplementary issues occurs in this regard like the actual value or role of sexual activity in our society, the personal rights of the individuals ought to be interfered or not, is it acceptable for the society that human beings are going against the rule of the nature. These vulnerable issues are not going be solve by restricting ourselves within the territory of legal phenomena (Chan, Wright and Yeo, 2011). From the ethical point of view it may be observed that performing any act for own pleasure by going against the rule of the nature ought not to be the ethical perspective of a human being. But on the other hand it may be an appreciable ethic of a human being that not to make any interference to the personal life of another person (McSherry, Norrie and Bronitt, 2009). From the social perspective it can be originated that a person is at a liberty to do or perform anything without infringing any of the right of any other person of the society. In a nation like USA homosexuality has been legally recognized but in the current social phenomena of Singapore homosexuality has not been adapted yet. The concern provision regulates the sexual orientation of a large number of persons in the society preferring homosexuality. But if the concern section of the statute is not applied to the society then it may change the present scenario of the society (Pieth and Aiolfi, 2004). Arguments for upholding Sec. 377A: The submissions against the section 377A have been rejected by the highest court of Singapore, on the ground that Sec. 377A is a contradictory provision to that of the law of the land that is the Constitution of the country. The Ld. Court of law in its 101 page judgment unambiguously mentioned that sec. 377A does not contravene the provisions of the constitution so it is not unconstitutional, as it does not disobey Art. 9 and Art 12 of the constitution of Singapore (Pieth and Aiolfi, 2004). The Ld. Court focused upon the legal principles and lawfulness of the concern provision. The court of law has avoided those portions of the submission which included the moral and social ethics. The Ld. Court of law held that the concern section is not violating to that of the Art 9 of the constitution as in this article the right of a person relating to life and liberty is mentioned that signifies the right of a person from any illegal internment, it does not mean that a person shall be at a libe rty of personal autonomy (Ginsburg and Moustafa, 2008). The Honorable Court of law also held that the Art 12 of the constitution does not consist within its purview the scope of section 377A, as the said article concerns with the discrimination made depending upon race, religion, and place of birth, that is clearly mentioned in that article and there is nothing specifies in relation to the sexual orientation or gender discrimination. The Ld. Court of law with three adjudicators has observed that section 377A of the Penal code does not infringe any of the provisions laid down in the laws relating to human rights of the country and this provision of penal statute is completely constitutional. Homosexuality is at the present time an escalating hazard for the conventional society of Singapore and it ought not be abided and the ruling should be compassionate to the ethical principles of more persons not the smaller ones, and the edicts are enacted by taking into consideration of the inte rests of the persons. As on 29th October, 2014, section 377A has been declared constitutional and totally valid by the appellate court of Singapore (Miller, 2005). Arguments against upholding sec. 377A: The constitution of the country promotes equality among all the citizens and mentions that there shall be no discrimination among the public. Section 377A makes discrimination among men and women of the same society as this section is applicable only upon the male members of the society. Sec. 377A has been challenged before the court of law for the first time by Tan Eng Hong as he was caught red handed in the course of doing oral sex in a public toilet. After two years of this incident a gay couple namely Kenneth Che and Gary Lim challenged this provision before the court of law. The argument made by them that Art 9 of the constitution ensures the right of a person to life and liberty and Art 12 of the constitution ensures equality before the law and equal protection of law among all the citizens of the country, whilst section 377A not only infringes the right to life and personal liberty of the citizens but it also violates the right to equality before the law as it is promoting sex ual discrimination among the citizen because this section is applicable only upon the men not upon the women of the society. Apart from that section 377A also violates the provisions of human rights, these rights are ensured by various international conventions. Criminalization of a person depending upon the sexual orientation is violating the human rights provided by the UN (Langwith, 2008). References Ben-Naim, A. (2010).Discover entropy and the second law of thermodynamics. Singapore: World Scientific. Chan, W., Wright, B. and Yeo, S. (2011).Codification, Macaulay and the Indian Penal Code. Farnham, Surrey, England: Ashgate. Ginsburg, T. and Moustafa, T. (2008).Rule by law. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Langwith, J. (2008).Human rights. Detroit, Mich.: Greenhaven Press. McSherry, B., Norrie, A. and Bronitt, S. (2009).Regulating deviance. Oxford: Hart Pub. Miller, D. (2005).Black Hat physical device security. Rockland, MA: Syngress. Pieth, M. and Aiolfi, G. (2004).A comparative guide to anti-money laundering. Cheltenham, UK: E. Elgar Pub. Pieth, M. and Aiolfi, G. (2004).A comparative guide to anti-money laundering. Cheltenham, UK: E. Elgar Pub.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

The Giver Literary Elements of Style free essay sample

For this song, the Literary Element of Style used is a metaphor. Theyre using objects/ actions that would obviously not be used in this scenario. The first few lyrics is Circles, we going in circles now, obviously theyre not walking in actual circles, they keep repeating the same problems over and over again, They try to fix there problems, but whenever they do they end up at the very begging again. This keeps happening, the problems, them trying to fix it, fighting etc. And like a circle t never ends. Wake up, we both need to wake up once again, theyre obviously not actually sleeping. I think it means that they need to wake up, face reality and realize that no matter what they do, Theyre relationship is not going to work out, because even though they try to fix the problems, something else happens and sets them back, makes them argue even more, which turns into yet another problem, and it all becomes too much. We will write a custom essay sample on The Giver Literary Elements of Style or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page When its broken, you say theres nothing to fix now, this is retry self exploitation.The girl thinks the relationship is perfect, or she might Just not care enough to try and fix the problem, which once again, turns into another problem because she might not have cared all along. Think that we got more time, one more falling behind, Goat make up my mind I think this means that they think they have enough time to fix their relationship, when In reality time is running out and their relationship will Just fall apart, because yet another problem has occurred ND their falling behind because theyre trying to fix It, They both need to make up their mind, weather they will stay together or break up.In conclusion; The song Is obviously about a relationship which Is constantly having problems, and Is always in some sort of disagreement. So many disagreements that more arguments arise, and make It harder to fix. They try to fix their problems, but whenever they do they end up at the very begging again. This keeps happening, the problems, them trying to fix It, fighting etc. And Like a circle It never ends.