Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Coopertaive Learning

Cooperative learning is a teaching method used by educators in all grade levels, in all areas of curriculum, and there are many different ways that cooperative learning can be applied in the classroom. The use of cooperative learning centralizes on the goal of getting students to understand the material presented. Cooperative learning allows students to communicate their ideas with each other, brainstorm responses or ideas, and work together to solve problems. The importance of students becoming more involved with the learning process has been emphasized and needs to be implemented in classrooms around the globe (Ross, Seaborn, & Wilson, 2002). Multiple studies have been conducted on student-lead learning groups and the results are supportive of cooperative learning. â€Å"Research on cooperative learning is one of the greatest success stories in the history of educational research† (Slavin R. E. , Comprehensive approaches to cooperative learning, 1991). The enthusiasm for cooperative learning is widespread and this paper will explore the history and methods of cooperative learning. The strategy of cooperative learning was developed to reduce competition in American schools (Knowles, 1971). Knowles explains that in 1959 James Coleman sought to reduce competition in American schools, which he deemed to be a negative component to the education system (1971). Coleman conducted a two-year study of students at nine Midwest high schools and developed what he called a â€Å"climate of values† for the â€Å"adolescent society† in which he conducted his study. Based on his findings and research, Coleman suggested that instead of encouraging competition in a classroom setting, which he stated he felt impedes the process of education, schools should introduce a more cooperative approach to instruction (Knowles, 1971). Many researchers have since elaborated on the work of James Coleman. Currently, some of the most published researchers in the field are as follows: Dr. Robert Slavin, Dr. Spencer Kagan, David and Roger Johnson. Each of these researchers has developed theories and strategies that can be used to effective implement cooperative learning. Dr. Robert Slavin suggests cooperative learning for enhancing student achievement focuses on two important elements: group goals and individual accountability (Slavin R. E. , Synthesis of research on cooperative learning, 1991). Dr. Slavin reported that when group goals and individual accountability are used, achievement effects of cooperative learning are consistently positive (Slavin R. E. , Synthesis of research on cooperative learning, 1991). Dr. Slavin noted that positive results from the implementation of cooperative learning could be found at all grade levels, in all major subjects, and in rural, urban and suburban schools (Slavin R. E. , Synthesis of research on cooperative learning, 1991). Dr. Slavin goes on to state that the effects of cooperative education are equally positive for all levels of achievers (Slavin R. E. , Synthesis of research on cooperative learning, 1991). It is also important to mention that Dr. Slavin has found that the positive effects of cooperative learning have been found in areas such as the following: self-esteem, intergroup relations, acceptance of accountability, handicapped students, attitudes toward school and the ability to work cooperatively (Slavin R. E. , Synthesis of research on cooperative learning, 1991). Dr. Spencer Kagan’s model of cooperative learning advocates for two basic principles. Dr. Kagan states, â€Å"The world is not just competitive and in some important respects is becoming less so; I do not advocate exclusive use of cooperative learning methods, but rather a healthy balance of cooperative, competitive, and individualistic classroom structures to prepare students for the full range of social situations† (Kagan, 1999). Dr. Kagan’s structures stress positive interpersonal peer relationships, equality, self-esteem and achievement. Dr. Kagan reported that cooperative learning teaches empathy and an understanding of those who are different from oneself by building ethnic relation between students. In addition, Dr. Kagan has credited cooperative learning with increasing students’ higher level thinking skills (Kagan, 1999). Dr. Kagan stresses his ideas by stating, â€Å"At an accelerating rate we move into a rapidly changing information-based, high -technology, and interdependent economy. Along with the traditional role of providing students with basic skills and information, increasingly schools must produce students capable of higher-level thinking skills, communication skills, and social skills† (Kagan, 1999). David and Roger Johnson have identified five basic elements of cooperative learning. Johnson and Johnson state these pillars of cooperative learning to be the following: individual accountability, positive interdependence, face-to-face promotive interaction, social skills and group processing (Johnson & Johnson, Making cooperative learning work, 1999). Johnson and Johnson have reported that it is critical for teachers to understand the five basic elements of cooperative learning. Johnson and Johnson state that understanding and developing the five elements, â€Å"†¦allows teachers to (a) adapt cooperative learning to their unique circumstances, needs, and students, (b) fine tune their use of cooperative learning, and (c) prevent and solve problems students have in working together (Johnson & Johnson, Making cooperative learning work, 1999). Johnson and Johnson also stress that cooperative learning ensures all students are meaningfully and actively involved in learning, which will limit disruptive, off-task behaviors in the classroom. Cooperative learning is thought of as a versatile method of instruction that can be used in a variety of ways. Cooperative learning groups can be implemented to teach specific topic, to ensure knowledge and comprehension of information presented, or to provide long-term support for academic proce ss (Slavin & Madden, 2001). Formal cooperative learning groups are created to achieve a specific purpose, have fixed members and can have duration of one class period or several weeks. Johnson and Johnson describe formal cooperative learning groups as consisting of students working together to achieve a shared learning goal (Johnson & Johnson, Making cooperative learning work, 1999). Informal cooperative learning groups are typically temporary and do not have fixed members. Johnson and Johnson state that, â€Å"During a lecture, demonstration, or film, informal cooperative learning can be used to (a) focus student attention on the material being learned, (b) set a mood conductive to learning, (c) help set expectations as to what will be covered in a class session, (d) ensure that students cognitively process material being taught, and (e) provide closure to an instructional session. † (Johnson & Johnson, Making cooperative learning work, 1999). Cooperative based groups are long term, heterogeneous, and consist of three to four members. Johnson and Johnson describe cooperative based groups as base groups. Johnson and Johnson state, â€Å"Base groups give the support, encouragement, and assistance each member needs to make academic progress and develop cognitively and socially in healthy ways. Base groups meet daily in elementary school and twice a week in secondary school. They are permanent and provide the long-term caring peer relationships necessary to influence members consistently to work hard in school (Johnson & Johnson, Making cooperative learning work, 1999). In order for these types of cooperative learning group to be successful, it is essential for the five basic elements identified by Johnson and Johnson to be included. The basic elements are often referenced by the acronym â€Å"PIGS FACE†. If these elements are not incorporated then cooperative learning is not taking place. The five basic elements are outlined below with a description following each term. Positive interdependence is the percept ion gains that of individuals or groups are linked, so that one cannot succeed unless everyone is successful (Kagan, 1999) (Johnson & Johnson, Making cooperative learning work, 1999). Individual accountability exists when each individual group member is assessed and results are given back to the student and the group. Individual accountability tests for understanding from individuals and prevents one member of the group from performing all the work (Johnson & Johnson, Making cooperative learning work, 1999). Group processing exists when group members converse on the group achievement and individual achievement of goals. Group processing allows students to work through and difficulties relating to each other or the achievement of the group (Johnson & Johnson, Making cooperative learning work, 1999). Social skills are the skills cooperative education groups need to develop to effectively work together and maintain the group (Slavin & Madden, 2001). It fosters the growth of social skills that are needed to succeed in the classroom, workplace and community in individuals that are socially unskilled (Orlich, Harder, Callahan, Trevisan, & Brown, 2010). Face-to-face promotive interaction promotes each group member’s success through helping, assisting, supporting, and encouraging each member to be successful (Johnson & Johnson, Making cooperative learning work, 1999). Once the five basic elements of cooperative learning have been addressed, the teacher can implement cooperative learning strategies in the classroom. There are wide varieties of cooperative learning strategies and a few are described below. Think-Pair-Share as described by Dr. Slavin, â€Å"This is a four-step discussion strategy that incorporates wait time and aspects of cooperative learning. Students and teachers learn to listen while a question is posed, think of a response, pair with a neighbor to discuss responses, and share their responses with the whole class. (Slavin R. E. , Comprehensive approaches to cooperative learning, 1991). Jigsaw as described by Dr. Kagan, â€Å"Students are divided into competency groups of four to six students, each of which is given a list of subtopics to research. Individual members of each group then break off to work with the â€Å"experts† from other groups, researching a part of the material being studied, after which they return to their starting body in the role of instructor for their subcategory. (Kagan, 1999) Student Team Achievement Divisions is a teaching method that is made up of five major components including a whole group presentation, student practice teams, quizzes on the presented information, setting goals for improved achievement levels, and team recognition based on performance (Slavin R. E. , Comprehensive approaches to cooperative learning, 1991). Roundtable is a strategy that can be used for brainstorming, reviewing or practicing while fostering teambuilding. There are two variations of roundtable that a teacher and use in the classroom. In sequential form, students are in groups of three or more with one-piece of paper and one writing instrument. The teacher poses a question that can have multiple answers. Students take turns writing their answer on the paper and passing the paper around the group. When time is called, the group with the most answers listed is recognized. In simultaneous form each student starts with a piece of paper, writes an answer and passes the paper, so multiple papers are being passed at once (Kagan, 1999). The three-step interview is a structured group activity. Students take turns being the interviewer and interviewee. Pairs then join to form groups of four. Students take turns introducing their partners and share what they learned from their partners (Kagan, 1999). Although aforementioned strategies are imperially based, there is a discussion-taking place about the value of cooperative learning. Most educators agree that cooperative learning celebrates diversity by allowing students to work with all types of people and allows students to acknowledge individual differences (Ross, Seaborn, & Wilson, 2002). Research has shown that cooperative learning can benefit student’s interpersonal development and provide more opportunities for personal feedback (Ross, Seaborn, & Wilson, 2002). In addition, researchers have found that cooperative learning actively engages students in learning and there is a variety of methods available for teachers to use (Johnson, Johnson, & Stanne, Cooperative learning methods: A meta-analysis, 2000). Some critics of cooperative learning suggest that group work is an avoidance of teaching. They stress that cooperative learning places the burden of being responsible for each other’s learning on group members (Ross, Seaborn, & Wilson, 2002). Some research has shown that lower achieving students could potentially fall behind due to a passive nature or lack of self-confidence in the group. If high achieving students dominate group activities and discussions, lower achieving students might feel uncomfortable and isolated from the group, which could lead to the learning opportunity passing by them (Ross, Seaborn, & Wilson, 2002). Johnson, Johnson and Stanne summarize the research on cooperative learning in this way, â€Å"Knowing that cooperative learning can significantly increase student achievement when properly implemented does not mean, however, that all operationalizations of cooperative will be effective or that all operationalizations will be equally effective. † (Johnson, Johnson, & Stanne, Cooperative learning methods: A meta-analysis, 2000) In conclusion, cooperative learning is an instructional approach that has been shown to promote a variety of positive cognitive, affective, and social outcomes. The intent of cooperative learning is to foster academic achievement through student discussions, learning from each other and dividing tasks to align with student strengths. I feel that cooperative learning gives students an opportunity to establish a group culture and work within the constraints of that culture. I believe that students will carry this cultural paradigm into adulthood. I also believe that cooperative learning promotes diversity and cross-cultural friendships. Through cooperative learning, I believe schools can play a significant role in reducing racism, prejudice and discrimination in the larger society.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Education in the Philippines Essay

1. Cite at least three objectives of the 1992 EDCOM, 1998 PESS and 1998 PCER. The three innovations to the Philippine education system had these common objectives: * To introduce curricular reform curricular reforms in the school organization * To investigate the modes of delivery, policy structures, and pedagogical philosophies and recommend enrichment thereof * To align education’s modalities to the needs of the times 2. What are the common findings and recommendations of the three studies conducted in relation to the Philippine education system? A. Common Findings i. High dropout rates especially in rural areas ii. Mastery of students in important competencies as shown in achievement levels iii. High levels of simple literacy among 15-24 year-olds and 15+ year-olds iv. Highest repetition rate in Grade I v. Children were generally handicapped by serious deficiencies in their personal constitution and in the skills they needed to successfully go through the absorption of learning B. Recommendations i. Tri-focalization in the management of supervision of basic education, technical-vocational education, and tertiary education ii. Ensure adequate financing and improve the quality of basic education iii. Slow and reverse the haphazard expansion of low-quality tertiary education iv. Provide equitable access to education at all levels so deserving households and communities can benefit from the provision of public education v. Improve overall sector management through greater local participation and accountability 3. Identify the actions taken by the concerned agencies to respond to the recommendations of the studies conducted? Actions taken are the following: * Congress enacted Republic Act 7722 that created the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) that is responsible for higher education * Congress enacted Republic Act 7796 that created the Technical Skills Development Authority (TESDA) which is duty-bound to supervise and manage post-secondary and middle-level manpower training and development * Congress enacted Republic Act 9155 that created the Department of Education (DepEd) that handles basic education (elementary and secondary levels) * For a time, there was moratorium on the establishment of State Colleges and Universities (SCUs) * Tertiary education has been given reduced allocation for Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses (MOOE) * Surveys on applied assessment methodologies and processes were conducted * Republic Act 10029 (Philippine Psychology Act of 2009) was enacted into law that aims to maintain the development of assessment which is part of the services offered by psychologists * Executive Order No. 46 established the Presidential Commission on Educational Reform (PCER) that is a multi-sectoral body that defined a comprehensive and budget-feasible program of reform in the education system 4. Do the actions taken have an impact on the ailing Philippine educational system? Yes. In many ways the actions taken by the respective agencies of the government have created impact to the Philippine education system. For instance, DepEd has now concentrated in strengthening the knowledge and skills of elementary and secondary level learners in order to prepare them to the more rigorous life in tertiary education. In addition, CHED has introduced the emphasis of research in support to new teaching methodologies and has identified â€Å"Centers of Excellence† and â€Å"Centers of Development† among colleges and universities nationwide. Then TESDA hones the skills of middle-level manpower that is needed in the country and overseas. Although much has to be done yet to create an atmosphere of genuine excellent Philippine education system, more and more actions have been undertaken by the government to address the pressing problems on deteriorating quality of education. Aside from enhancing the competencies of learner.

Answering Question Number One

Go Ahead Enterprises started as a company and made itself famous through its unique metal toys. The company was able to establish a national reputation for their product.   Its strength lies in having a manufacturing plant which produces the toys. However, as competition intensified, the company thinkers decided to overhaul the system and to go for more profit. This re-invention of the company was successful but only for a time. The atmosphere changed and soon the company found itself wondering where to start again.   Go Ahead Enterprises evolved from a manufacturing organization into a marketing one. This made the significant over-turn of the company, which sadly, was an unforeseen suicidal path. The company reduced its number of employees and moved to the city where it could market toys. It has stopped manufacturing its own metal toys. It sold its manufacturing plant. This decision was a critical one since the company never realized its important resource- the plant itself. Having a manufacturing plant is one key for sustainability.   Plus, the company is sure that each metal toy manufactured is at its best. Quality is assured. The demands or orders for the products can be handled easily since Go Ahead Enterprises supervises its own operation. Selling the manufacturing plant was an unwise move. Losing a great deal number of people is also critical since they are the company’s best asset. Letting go of competent and trained staff or employees is a loss to the company, too. People are one great resource that brings additional investments and profit. However, cutting knowledgeable and skilled employees off from the company may also result to downfall. The company’s big bosses’ decision to source instead of manufacturing its own metal toys became a major disappointment in the long run. Go Ahead Enterprises created a niche for itself in the market. Changing the position of that niche affects the company. What Go Ahead Enterprises did was to create another niche for itself by turning into a marketing company. It used to produce metal toys under its brand name.   But since the big bosses decided to make a complete overhaul, the company lost its niche as the manufacturer of metal toys. The company leaders’ decision was enough to ruin the company unintentionally.   On organisational level, they have induced the change. What they failed to see is the long-term effect of that decision. They saw profits coming in like never before. But an initial success is not a guarantee of future sustainability and growth. The company leaders never saw that right and noble decisions may sometime lead to a bitter path.   They should have seen the consequences first before jumping to conclusion and endanger the company’s growth, position in the market and quality of products. On the other hand, environmental factors do play a big part. Globalization floods the market with cheap products. This resulted to steeping competition and fight for consumers’ favor. Globalization made the market more diversified with more choices and alternatives. The consumers are left confused, bewildered and happy. The consumers are happy because influx of goods means affordability. They get to choose the products which suit their purse. Yet, cheap goods are sometimes made of inferior quality. Satisfaction is still an issue. There are consumers who still opt to buy branded products even if it is priced higher than the usual ones. Better to spend much than to be sorry, so they say. Go Ahead Enterprises banked on globalisation and joined the bandwagon to keep itself on top of the game. It imitated other companies which are also changing their company’s course to accommodate changes. The environmental change brought by globalization has transformed, but not necessarily improved Go Ahead Enterprises. Losing the company’s niche, its manufacturing plant and its key people brought the company lower than what it used to be. Go Ahead should have maintained its manufacturing and strengthened its niche in the market. The leaders should have come up with more strategies rather than adopting a strategic plan, which in the end, brought more harm than profit. The company must focus on its vision and keep the main thing â€Å"the main thing† (Hybels 2002). In this case, Go Ahead Enterprises' fate will be on its feet again if it will re-align its strength, assets, priorities, and focus on the main thing. It may not be money or profit but company reputation and sustainability. List of References Hybels, B. 2002, Courageous Leadership, Zondervan Publishing, Michigan.                     

Monday, July 29, 2019

The Role that Alternative Dispute Resolution Plays in the English Essay

The Role that Alternative Dispute Resolution Plays in the English Civil Justice System - Essay Example Cumulatively, the main question is whether or not the aims of civil justice report facilitate greater access to justice for disputants via alternative dispute resolution. This study is therefore divided into two parts. The first part of this study analyses alternative dispute resolution and the second part of the paper analyses the extent to which alternative dispute resolution is facilitated by the English civil justice system. Alternative Dispute Resolution Alternative dispute resolution broadly defined implies the use of non-traditional court adjudication of disputes. Invariably this means the use of mediation, conciliation or arbitration as opposed to formal litigation.6 However, the term alternative dispute resolution received academic attention beginning in the 1980s and was used as a frame of reference to an option for resolving civil disputes in the absence of lawyers or legal input. By the end of the decade of the 1980s alternative dispute resolution institutions began to fo rm and gain currency in the UK. By the 1990s, alternative dispute resolution was perceived as an important solution to the evolving litigious culture which created delays, inordinate costs and created a significant problem for ordinary citizens to gain access to civil litigation.7 According to Stipanowich over the last two or more decades, there has been a consistent effort on the part of lawyers, the judiciary, business entities and governments to cooperate on the formation of strategies and policies calculated to provide for the more efficient and less costly management and resolution of conflicts which invariably includes ADR processes.8 Arbitration is often described as an informal and rather simple version of adjudication via the courts in which the formal requirements relative to procedural laws such as discovery are typically waived and instead adopt a more informal process.9 Arbitration derives its strength from the disputant’s agreement to submit to arbitration and t o abide by any award administered by the arbitrator who is usually a tribunal of three independent decision-makers or a single arbitrator.10 It would therefore appear that arbitration, is poised to forego or at the very least reduce the cost and time involved in litigation by removing the procedural complexities and guidelines established for civil litigation and thereby dispensing with the need for the involvement of lawyers. In this regard, arbitration as an alternative dispute resolution, with its emphasis on party autonomy arguably plays a significant role in the reduction of time and cost involved in resolving civil disputes and therefore contributes to facilitating the drive for broadening access to civil

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Fire investigation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Fire investigation - Essay Example Basic research indicates that preventing ignition fire control process and the separation of individuals from the harmful effects of fire by means of distance, time or shielding forms the three basic directions to ensure life safety, (CUNNY, 2009). Time as a factor in fire situation leads to the building up of smoke and heat thereby creating a hazardous environment and its effect may not be concretely predicted owing to multiple environmental and human variables, (Coleman, 1997). Three sets of conditions define time related effects on a fire situation inclusive of; toxic conditions, elevated environmental temperatures and current or pre-existing psycho-physiological attributes of the premises occupants. It is also imperative to note that the time interval between fire discovery and preventive action by the occupants is critical to the resulting effects. Evacuation of occupants and/or Fire extinguishment and confinement forms are fundamental actions that follow fire detection, (Coleman, 1997). The cause and outcome of a fire is greatly impacted by individual characteristics of those involved as people tend to react differently to similar emergency situations. People’s reaction during fires is affected by individual actions and therefore individual threat perception. Age forms a fundamental individual characteristic that adequately affect reaction to individual conditions as for example, the elderly or very young individuals may be less able to cope with the effects of fire, (CUNNY, 2009). Therefore, comparative to their counterparts of middle ages who are of normal physique, the fatality rate of these two age groups remains grater during fires, (USFA, 2009). Respiratory capacity of individuals may also affect the rate of fatalities in cases of fire hazards. Since majority of fires result into smoke inhalation, individuals with poor respiratory capacity may be unable to

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Letter to the Editor Annotated Bibliography Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Letter to the Editor - Annotated Bibliography Example If any sick person may be cured from the hospital then he may get frustrated by viewing the hospital bills. It seems that the insurance companies and the hospitals are jointly aiming for the profit maximization for them. This issue is actually the dark side of these health care insurance policies. The writer in his letter to the editor asks for highlight this issue and then also pin pointing the possible solutions for it. If we talk about the effectiveness of the letter and the selected words then I must say that the letter highlights one of the top most controversial issues of the present times. These insurance companies are actually playing with the emotions of the people. The insurance agents actually force people to buy these insurance policies by portraying a bright and eye-catching future in their minds and perceptions (Brighton 1). The letter clearly identifies the dark side of these health care insurance policies and the advantage to the companies and the hospitals and the problems for the individuals. According to the letter, these insurance agents usually do not clarify the terms and conditions of the policies and then at the time of any incident they may take advantage of it. I must say that it is reality. Sometimes the insurance agents may not clarify and sometimes the conditions are so vague or complicated that the buyer may not clearly understand them. This misunderstanding may create p roblems in the afterwards for the individuals. Usually consumers are compelled to buy any emergency plan and here the physicians are feeling ill to clarify the details conditions of the insurance policy. In this situation, the consumer may not have any other option and just buy the policy, which afterwards create problems. The writer of the letter says that actually the consumer have to pay extra amount for the health care policies which is very much

Friday, July 26, 2019

Materials selection using CES material program Coursework

Materials selection using CES material program - Coursework Example Shaft should be string since it provides the facet for holding the umbrella. The ligaments or ribs connect to the shaft and help in maintaining the shape of the umbrella. HST Aluminum provides the best option for the shaft design because it is commercially available; it is light in weight, and a high strength-to-weight ratio. The arms keep the umbrella in shape. Material selection using CES program indicate that aluminum is the best material for arm design. HST Aluminum is commercially available; it is light in weight, much harder, and a high strength-to-weight ratio. The joint is made of plastic since plastic is easier to construct, saves money, and is readily available. Compared to other types of plastics, Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) best suits umbrella joints. Low Density Polyethylene, Polypropylene, High Density Polyethylene, and Polyethylene Terephthalate are weak. The cover material-Nylon (polyamide), provides the best choice for clothing material because it is: resilient to wear, difficult to link except mechanically, self-lubricating, creamy in color, resistant to extremely high temperatures, resistant to most chemicals, machines well, low friction coefficient, hard tough, bearing surfaces. For the spring design, Ferritic steel is used because it is capable of maintaining its strength indeterminately, the surface is well sheltered from rust, recyclable and it is flexible and strong. Ferritic steels are also non-magnetic and contain less carbon (0.1%), 12-17% chromium, and other elements used in alloys; factors vital for the strength of the finished products. The material selection above indicates that assembling an umbrella is a difficult engineering work. Several modern umbrellas have telescoping frames that enclose expansion springs. The frames are also attached to the second spring using a rider. The duties that each part carries out prove that the material selection phase needs proper analysis by CES. Mechanisms

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Responsibility and brand advertising in the alcoholic beverage market Essay

Responsibility and brand advertising in the alcoholic beverage market (Context of Business) - Essay Example There is considerable criticism on brand advertising in alcoholic beverage, and there are calls for more regulation in industry-sponsored responsibility messages. They are constantly criticized as mere public relations activities that are morally suspect. What are recommended are those moderation campaigns initiated by public health educators and organizations. Media advocacy efforts are also offered as a logical step. So, what should be given importance are industry-sponsored responsible drinking campaigns and media advocacy. These two will play a major role on alcoholic drinking advocacy in the future. Kotler (2003, qtd. in Ringold) refers to social marketing that characterizes public health education, whose key objective is to reduce the psychological, social, and practical obstacles hindering beneficial consumer behavior. Wallack (1990, p. 153, qtd. in Ringold) says that social marketing â€Å"provides people with accurate information so that they can take steps to improve their health†. Efforts in social marketing to effect positive health behavior provide valuable information for a desired behavior. Ringold cites the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) in its promotion of â€Å"responsible drinking†, which was supported by government agencies, organizations and industry groups. The context strategy was, â€Å"If you drink, drink responsibly, and here’s how†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Media advocacy seeks to change the ways in which problems are understood as public health issues (DeJong and Atkin 1995; Wallack 1990, qtd. in Ringold). Health behavior problems are the sole responsibility of individuals but producers, wholesalers, and retailers of alcoholic beverages also have the role to play in informing members of society about responsible drinking. Ringold cites Wallack as saying that â€Å"a strategy might be developed to stimulate media coverage of the ethical and legal culpability of alcohol companies that promote deadly

Summary of a chapter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Summary of a chapter - Essay Example Brown’s God and Igbo gods but Mr. Brown responds as if he does not feel the need to support the claim. This response shows that he believes community’s religion does not require an explanation and is just correct. For instance, when Akunna says: â€Å"†¦or Chuckwu (Whittaker and Msiska, pg 129). He appoints the smaller gods to help him because his work is too much for one person.† which Mr. Brown replies angrily and becomes disrespectful to Akunna. Hence, Mr. Brown’s disrespectfulness is not intentional but to persuade the people to change to Christianity. The villagers do not understand the Christian faith since they did not know more about the white men.This happens Okonkwo is resistant to the onset of the missionaries as they tend to undermine the community’s life long culture to please it gods and ancestors. This feeling of absolute betrayal is seen in Okonkwo when his son Nwoye transfers and joins the missionaries. This is evident by the quote, â€Å"The white man is very clever. He came quietly and peacefully with his religion. We were amused at his foolishness and allowed him to stay. Now he has won our brothers and our clan can no longer act like one. He has put a knife on the things that held us together and we have fallen apart† (Whittaker and Msiska, pg129), Nwoye however, sees the whites as more compassionate so he finds understanding them easy. Therefore, the new converts are seen as outcasts and that lack of understanding between the remaining people of the tribe is seen as the matter holding the community apart. If both groups were willing to agree and comprehend one another then there would be more improvement (Whittaker and Msiska, pg129). But this cannot happen since; both the tribe and the missionaries have diverse perceptions on the one true god. Eventually, the clan has a big problem in understanding the Christian beliefs because they have conformed to untouched tribal existence for a long time. In

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Major Oil Isssues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

Major Oil Isssues - Essay Example However the supply of crude oil in the international market has been rigid. This creates the pressure on the prices of the oil. This fundamental theory of the international market as well as the economy of the world provides the explanation for the process or the trend of the fluctuation in the price of crude oil. Within the period 2004 - 2006 the capacity of the production of the global oil had not been able to keep in pace with its demand that had been increasing rapidly. The demand for oil had been on an increase more for the emerging economies of the continent of Asia, China, and also the United States of America. The demands for oil have an increase of 1.4 million barrels per day for the year 2005 as compared to 2.7 million barrels per day increase in 2004. This increased demand of oil had been accompanied by a continuous increase in the price of the same. According to the market specialists the price of oil is expected to remain jumpy and almost volatile. Moreover the price of this particular resource is expected to face a continuous rise rather than decrease. There is a high probability that the price will remain above the expected mean value of the price. (Krichene, 2006, pp 3- 4: Gautier, 2008, p 110) However predictions about the persisting trend of oil price vary among scholars. In the words of Xu, Chen and Han the main obstacle that arises in the prediction of the price of the crude oil is uncertainty. The various models along with the methods for computation that are present help to forecast the price trend in literatures. However most of the methods have not been able to predict the existing and the future variability of the prices of crude oil in the most effective way. For the betterment of the methods of computing the variations in the price econometricians have made several attempts and they have suggested different methods that are suitable for measuring and predicting the volatility. (Huynh, 2008, p 353) The paper aims at studying the expect ed trend of the oil price in the recent future with special emphasis to Australia. Peak Oil Phenomenon and Discussions around the World The past century had experienced a major growth of population but lesser instances of food shortages. The material requirements of the people had also surged. All this was achieved due to the growth of production of oil. The immense growth of oil production hugely benefited the food productions, wiped out the occurrence of famines, and made other daily human activities simpler (Hall & Day, 2009). The huge oil production made oil cheaper and the civilization moved forward based on oil-based energies. However, this also led to a huge depletion of oil reserves and ecologists predict that Peak Oil is not far away. Peak Oil is a phenomenon by which the global oil production will reach its highest stage and then it will start to fall at a very fast rate (Cork, 2010). M King Hubbert, a geologist working with Shell predicted a bell like life span of petrole um production in United States in 1956. According to Colin Campbell, the peak of discovering new fields had reached during the 1960s. He gives a fair assessment of the situation. According to him, the peak depends on the discovery of new fields, which has slowly decelerated, and the extraction rate of oils, which depends on the nature of the reservoir (Campbell, 2002). Presently the world consumes about four times the oil that is

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 10

Communication - Essay Example They take with them their respective cultures, values, beliefs and customs which are all so important. The need is there to save these dying languages because they have people who speak them yet in someway are now making use of other languages to satisfy their day to day affairs. Question 2: How do the media and communications technology affect culture? Discuss either how the content of media shapes culture in a particular social context, or how changing communications technology is affecting culture. Media and communications technology affect culture as these keep changing and the cultural adaptations do not seem to catch up. The changing communications technology affects the culture since technology is pacing ahead at a frenetic speed and there seems to be no stopping this phenomenon at all. The culture does not change at such a fast speed and hence the media and communications technology lags far behind resulting in more anarchy within the society than one can think of. This leads to a confused culture on the part of the people who are looking at media and communications technology on the one and adapting to the requirements of the culture on the

Monday, July 22, 2019

Background information on Jo Malone London Essay Example for Free

Background information on Jo Malone London Essay 1.1 JO MALONE LONDON Jo Malone London was originally founded by Joanne Lesley Malone, in her kitchen in 1983. She is a British perfumer and is particularly known for her scented candles. Joanne Lesley Malone had severe dyslexia and left school without any qualifications that, however, did not stop her from creating the company with her mother Eileen. In her early twenties, Joanne Lesley Malone followed in her mother’s footsteps and became a facialist. Unable to afford her own workspace at that time, Joanne Lesley Malone had to work out of her apartment. As her business grew, Joanne Lesley Malone came up with the idea of gifting her clients a small token of appreciation and came up with her very first concoction â€Å"Nutmeg and Ginger’ by mixing batches of bath oil on her stove. Her clients loved it and went back to her to purchase more of her products which made her business grew. Despite having no substantial training, Joanne Lesley Malone began making perfumes as well. Most fragrances would have a complex blend of light, medium and heavy notes, Joanne Lesley Malone’s scents only had one or two notes. After the fledging business took off, Joanne Lesley Malone and her husband found and renovated a London retail space, that became the site of her eponymously named store. Lines of customers formed down when Jo Malone London opened its first outlet at 154 Walton Street, London in 1994. Jo Malone London became popular after Joanne Lesley Malone made an appearance on The Oprah Winfrey Show. In 1999, Joanne Lesley Malone launched her flagship store in London’s Sloane Street. In the same year, although initially reluctant to give up a company no matter what the price, Joanne Lesley Malone eventually sold Jo Malone London to Està ©e Lauder. Joanne Lesley Malone continued to work for the brand as the creative director until 2006, where she sold the company to Està ©e Lauder in its entirety and was barred from creating a new fragrance or skincare line for 5 years due to a non-compete agreement. 1.2 HIERARCHY DESCRIPTION OF LEARNING EXPERIENCE 2.1 JOB RESPONSIBILITIES: DEMONSTRATE THE ABILITY TO PROVIDE INSPIRATIONAL, AUTHENTIC AND PERSONALIZED CUSTOMER SERVICE / IDENTIFYING CUSTOMERS’ NEEDS: Every customer has different needs and wants when they step into the store. As every customer has different preferences, it is essential to personalize the experiences for different customers. To find out what the customers are looking for, we need to ask TED questions. Through the answers the customers give, we will have better insights and understanding about what they are looking for. PROVIDING INFORMATION ON PRODUCTS / EDUCATING CUSTOMERS: Fragrances: As important as sales is, educating the customers is equally crucial. What makes Jo Malone’s colognes so unique is that it is light so it can be layered. They are good on its own but when layered, you will get truly individual effects. Therefore, customers can come up with their own bespoke scents. Candles and diffusers: For every customer that buys the candles and diffusers, our job is to teach them how to use the products. For candles, the customers can only burn for up to four hours and then extinguish it and after burning, the wick of the candle must be trimmed to prevent the candle from tunneling. ASSIST IN DAILY RETAIL OPERATION: Co-ordinate and check merchandise on display: Except for the testers, the products on display are not displayed pieces but actual selling stocks. In Jo Malone London ION Orchard, it often gets busy and customers are always rushing in this fast-paced city so we often do not take the stocks from the cabinets and just sell the products on display instead.During our free time, we will replenish the merchandise on display. By doing so, it would also minimize external theft as we would be able to immediately realize that the product is missing and then report to our superiors and request for them to check the surveillance cameras. By coordinating and checking the merchandise on display, we will also have better insights on approximately how much of each product needs to be reordered. Handle exchanges of merchandise: A lot of the customers that comes to Jo Malone London are customers that are looking for gifts for their family, friends or loved ones. They often do not know what to buy and often purchase the options between our recommendations.To successfully close these deals and not let our potential customers slip out of our hands, we would persuade them to buy by letting them know that we will issue them a sales memo so that the receiver may bring the unused products to exchange for something they like should they not like the gift. DISPLAY PROFESSIONAL IMAGE AND ETIQUETTE: In Jo Malone London, we are required to wear our uniforms, wear formal footwear and put on our aprons and name tags once we are on the sales floor. Grooming is of great importance as it will not only portray our professionalism, our customers will also place their trust in our recommendations when they see how well-dressed we are. What we say to them will seem more professional and convincible to them too. Other than attire-wise, makeup is also required as it would add colors to our face making us look more refreshed and it will also positively affect the perception people has on us. PERFORM DAILY HOUSEKEEPING: As our store is an open layout store with no automatic doors that opens and closes when a customer walks in and out, there is a lot of dust in the store. What adds to this issue is that we have many spotlights in the store which makes the dust a lot more visible. Therefore, it is essential that we wipe the shelves and the tables every morning. On Sunday mornings, we would wipe all products, shelves, and tables. I do not wipe the shelves and tables, it would make our store look dusty, deserted and unsanitary. 2.2 GOOD OR BAD MOMENTS EXPERIENCED GOOD: Seeing the reactions of my customers when I tell them that I am merely an intern. After a few days of the internship, I feel more confident with the amount of knowledge I have which really played a huge part in my ability to persuade customers to purchase. BAD: During our orientation, we were thought to ask TED questions. And then further suggest scents or products to customers based on our insights. But there often are customers that ask what the best sellers are when they step foot in. What makes this situation tricky is the customers because what may be the bestseller may not be what they like. â€Å"May I know what kind of scents you like, miss? Because what may be the bestseller may not be what you would like† would earn me some glares and angry customers that would stomp off. I often encounter such customers and as much as I want to stay unaffected, I really am. 2.3 COLLEAGUES, I HAVE WORKED WITH Stella (Assistant Boutique Manager) Shieh Ling (Senior Stylist, Second In-Charge) Siew Fong (Senior Stylist) Daryl (Senior Stylist) Cheryl (Stylist) Victoria (Intern converted to part-time) Jasmine (Part-timer) Jamie (Part-timer) Sim (Previous stylist) Ivor (Previous part-timer) Ryan (previous part-timer) REFLECTION ON THE LEARNING EXPERIENCE 3.1 THOUGHTS ABOUT THE INTERNSHIP 3.2 POSITIVE OR NEGATIVE THOUGHTS 3.3 WHAT I LEARNT 3.4 SIGNIFICANT LESSONS LEARNT REFERENCES: APPENDIX

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The feature of inequality in modern society

The feature of inequality in modern society Inequality is an inescapable feature of modern society. Inequality affects modern society in a variety of ways. It is an inescapable feature of the world we live in. The most common inequality is gender. Men and Women are treated different in a number of ways such as in wages and in sports. This has been the same for centuries. Social class also plays a very big role in inequality. 89% of People are still judged by their class. (Glover 2007) Gender inequality is a huge problem in modern society today. One of the most common issues is wages. It is a known fact that men receive higher wages than women. According to a report by the government in 2006 there is a 13% pay gap between men and women. (The Financial Times 2006) The Office for National Statistics website (2008) says that this statistic has risen to 17.1% in 2008 for full time workers and 36.8% for part time workers. The Equal opportunities Commission published an article Facts about women and men in Great Britain 2006 It stated that 66% of mangers and senior officials are men, while women hold 81% of administrative and secretarial jobs. In the finance sector women are just over half the workforce, yet the average hourly pay for a woman working full time in finance is 41% lower than men. Jenny Watson, the chair of The Equal Opportunities Commission states that: Jobs traditionally seen as womens work such as early years care and education are undervalued and underpa id, and later in life many women are forced to take a pay cut for the flexibility they need to raise their own children Men and women usually have an equal start with their career, but when womens childcare responsibilities kick in, this is where the problems start. Most companies and organisations blame maternity leave and childcare responsibilities for the pay gap between men and women. Women are allowed up to six months maternity leave. Recently men have been able to take just as much as women. So why is there still a gap in wages? Women have always been seen as the nurse the teacher or the secretary. The International Labour Organisation website (2010) claims that women only hold 34% of mangers jobs in great Britain. They only receive two-thirds the pay of their male counterparts. According to the International Labour Office Women and men in lower-paid non-manual jobs such as clerks, shop assistants are closest to being equal. Growing up we all had the idea of mens work and womens work. Men were builders and doctors while women were teachers and nurses. This idea hasnt changed much as we grow older. We will all automatically look twice if we see a female bus driver, a male nurse or a female foreman. Its a natural reaction. From birth we see inequalities immediately in boys and girls. Blue is the colour for boys and pink for girls. Girls have their own toys that society deemed appropriate for girls and so do boys. It seems wrong or unnatural in some way to see a boy playing with a Barbie doll or pushing a toy pram. We have all grown up with these perceptions of what colours each sex should wear and what types of toys they should play with, that its no wonder men and women are treated differently when they grow up. It is what is natural to all of us. Gender inequality also exits in the education system. In same sex schools the subject choices concentrate on the gender of the school. For example in a girls only school it is rare that they would offer subjects such as construction studies or woodwork studies, the same for boys schools, they would rarely offer their male students the choice to take home economics. These subjects can only be taken for both boys and girls in mixed gender schools. Another area where gender inequality is present is Sports. Women are in a male dominated world when it comes to sport. The ancient Olympic games website (2009) claims that Women have been fighting to gain equality in sport since 776 B.C. at the Olympic Games, originally known as the Games of Hera. Women were not allowed to play nor watch the games. Although women play the same sports as men do, women receive little or no air time. It is very rare that you would see a womens soccer or rugby match being shown in a sports bar. The media has largely contributed to false stereotypes regarding men, women and sports. They see women as inferior to male athletes. Tennis especially has seen many centuries of gender inequality. Women only play the best of three sets whereas men play the best of five. Im sure any female tennis player would be more than capable to play five or more sets if given the opportunity. There was also a dramatic difference in prize money up until 2006. There was a big di fference in prize money between men and women in Wimbledon. Men were being paid a lot more money than women. A spokesperson for Wimbledon said that the difference in prize money was due to the fact that mens tennis was more exciting than womens. The Wimbledon website (2006) said this all changed in 2006 when both the ladies and mens winners were paid the same amount of prize money. This is a step in the right direction for gender equality in tennis. On the other hand soccer needs to follow in the same path. Women soccer players do not receive the same recognition or the same money that their male counterparts receive. Wayne Rooney earns  £90,000 a week being a professional soccer player for Manchester United and is world famous. I dont think many people would be able to name one professional female soccer player. Men get all the fame and all the recognition. Golf is another sport where females are treated unequally. In most golf courses, women can only play on ladies day and are not allowed to play alongside the male players. Professional Female golf players just like professional female soccer players, do not receive as much money or recognition. These are some of the many inequalities which women are trying to challenge and overcome today. It has stopped women from advancing as fast as their male counterparts. In my opinion women have been neglected in sports just as they have been in many other areas of life such as education and work. More often or not people are judged by their social class. They are discriminated against by where they come from. 90% of 18-24 year olds say people are judged by their class (Glover 2007). This has been happening for centuries and I do not think that it will change in the near future. As suggested by Macionis and Plummer (2008) Gordon Therborn has suggested that social class is one of the key features of modern Europe, as Europe was the first major arena of industrialisation. All the main political parties in Britain are trying to work against social class. Gordon Brown claimed recently that a class free society can become a reality in Britain. There are three shapes of class: The upper classes, the middle classes and the working classes. According to Glover (2007) the upper class is almost extinct with only 2% claiming to be part of it. The Middle class used to be the group between rich and poor. In 1998, 41% of people thought as themselves as middle class, exactly the same proportion as today. (Glover 2007) The Working Class is the lowest of the classes. A few centuries ago working class people were miners. They are known as the poorest of society. Glover (2007) said, Of people born to working class parents, 77% say they are working class too. One one fifth say they have become middle class. The fact that we still have a structure of class shows that people are discriminated because of their class and where they come from. They are discriminated against in the workplace and in schools. As Hutton (2007) described in his article, pupils from schools from middle class or working class areas are receiving little to no places in prestigious schools such as Oxford, even though they have received excellent marks. Their marks sometimes were better than pupils at Upper class schools. This just proves that there is inequality in social class. It obviously depends on where you come from and which school you attend that shapes your future education. No matter where we go in life we will be judged by our class and where we come from. Karl Marx and Max Weber have different views upon social class. Macionis and Plummer (2008) said that Marx defined class in terms of those who own the means of production and those who do not with a residual class in between He says that the owners or the means of production exploit those who produce goods and services, while the working class become alienated consumers. Marx focuses more on the economic side of social class, especially the labour force. Weber and Marx have similar ideas. In Webers view, a persons class status is a determinant of how they will turn out in later life. People will have a better life if they are higher up in class. He thought that a persons possessions and the way they lived was the cause of class conflict. Although Weber believed as Marx did that the economic side of social class was important and caused most of the conflict, he didnt believe that this was the only cause of the conflict between social classes. He saw society back then as having many st atus groups who held a vast amount of power. For example teachers do not own their schools they work for people, but they may be higher up in status than a mechanic who owns his owns and runs his own business. Weber thought that people in politics had more power in society. Weber said that conflict between the classes was a result of many different inequalities. Inequality is definitely an inescapable feature of our society. There are still gender inequalities present in modern society and some that have been around for centuries. I think there will always be inequalities between men and women. It has been around for centuries and nothing has changed, so I do not see it changing in the near future. There will also always be inequalities in social class. It was around in Karl Marxs era and is still here to the present day. People are being judged and criticized by where they come from. Even though the government is claiming that social class will not exist in years to come, they have not backed up their claims yet.

The Importance of Arts in Education

The Importance of Arts in Education To strive for excellence, schools ensure their provided education is impressive, compared to other independent school districts in the area, delivering the correct tools and necessities in education to prepare their students for the real world. Schools want students to choose from numerous amount of class options, programs and organizations their district provides. However, some hesitate keeping art programs such as band, theater, art, culinary, choir etc. in their district, simply because it will not be necessarily needed for their time in school when in fact, the arts, most specifically band, is proven to create a more affective impact on the brain than other arts improving cognitive development, verbal memory, mathematics, phonological awareness, reading development and other skills. Cognitive development is heavily proven when introduced to arts, resulting greater than those who are not artistically active. As a child, painting activities, drawing or dancing engage the brain to develop other complex ways of thinking when continued. How? They are natural forms of art. According to Author SousaThe arts are not just expressive and affective, they are deeply cognitive. They develop essential thinking toolspattern recognition and development; mental representations of what is observed or imagined; symbolic. This proves that something as simple as drawing, singing or dancing to a child, is more than increasing their mentality ability and developing different complex forms of thinking. Although the arts are often thought of as separate subjects, like chemistry or algebra, they really are a collection of skills and thought processes that transcend all areas of human engagement. (Sousa). Cognitive development plays a critical role in a childs future, leaving permanent ab ilities in and outside of school, keeping this gift through life because of effortless habits through childhood. Not only does musical training seek unique cognitive skills, musical training shares the same brain pathway process as mathematics therefore, is quite beneficial towards math. Music is closely connected to mathematics by ratios, proportions, music intervals, arithmetic progressions in music to geometric progressions in geometry, including the simplicity of counting one, two, three, four, in a measure. Researchers conducted a study that piano lessons would increase math scores, specifically focused on proportions and ratios which are difficult as an elementary student along with another group of student without piano lessons but with a computer software program. Four months after the study, the group of kids with musical training scored one-hundred sixteen percent higher on proportional mathematic skills than those without the musical training. According to Author Sousa, These findings are significant because proportional mathematics is not usually introduced until 5th or 6th grade an d because a grasp of proportional mathematics is essential to understanding science and mathematics at higher grade levels. Math is known as a complex core class and is a subject that society does not know that makes it a lot easier on kids who study music at a young age. Another study in California took in students with low socioeconomic skills who were not involved with music, take music lessons eighth through twelfth grade following a test that would determine if the involvement with music would benefit kids in the class. The results of the study shown the musical training increased their test scores in mathematics and scored significantly higher than those low socioeconomic students who were not involved in music. (Sousa). History and geography test scores were affected through the music lessons increasing by forty percent. Not only did the music lessons improve mathematic skills. But history and geography, which is beneficial for the other core classes in education. Music is greatly related to mathematics but yet, in addition can also have an advantage in reading development. Identical to the brains responsive connections between music and math, music comprehension picks up specifically reading skills, allowing the brain to recognize auditory memory in a very intricate and extraordinary way. Researchers suggest this relationship results because both music and written language involve similar decoding and comprehension reading processes(Sousa). Students reading fluency is finer when in constant musical training. The abilities of better reading development through art is an advantage in the classroom increasing test scores, and comprehensions compared to other kids who dont study music. With reading being another complex core class, it will ease students who suffer from reading difficulty in their future, especially since reading is an everyday action for every movement in our body through thought processes during the day. The arts assist many acts we do that we do not think of and expand our abilities as human beings to do certain activities with our brain others cannot. The arts create and benefit other skills that will determine how we perform in school to our education, followed by a project by the National Endowment for the Arts and the U.S. Justice Department called the YouthARTS Development project. The program established young adults involved in art programs increased cooperation with others, optimistic viewpoints towards school, self esteem along with other positive feedback that will greatly benefit through the students school years. the arts teach students how to learn from mistakes and press ahead, how to commit and follow through.(Arts and Smarts). This proves the arts make useful tools and potential standards for students who will manage challenges and problems well, considering how difficult the task may be which will not only be useful in school, but in the real world. Fine arts are a ble to reduce dropout rates, create a sustainable and well-balanced individual increasing socioeconomic skills, and have a good sense of leadership. (According to Jessica Hoffman Davis from Harvard Graduate School of Education from Arts and Smarts)We have been so driven to measure the impact of the arts in education that we began to forget that their strength lies beyond the measurable . The statement made by Davis, proves we underestimate what the arts can really do what they can create within students apart of it. The arts do not make one smarter, but they can discover unlimited pathways of what a brain could really do when introduced to the studies of music. Parents want their kids to turn out to be well balanced adults, but would be impossible without the engagement of both left and right sides of the brain, therefore, will require introduction to the Arts. The education system lies pressure in the four common core classes, without any consideration of the Arts, simply because learning how to play a trumpet is irrelevant to interest in the medical field or dancing and singing will not require you to be a lawyer. School districts need to be more aware of the potential their students could have through the arts if they take the time and learn about how important and relevant arts are with education . The brain awaits undiscovered passage ways and skills,as the importance of arts are waiting to make a difference in education References Bryant, Bob. The Importance of Fine Arts. Katy Independent School District. Bob Bryant, n.d. Web. 10 Feb. 17 Evans, Karen. Arts and Smarts. Greater Good, Karin Evans, 1 Dec. 2008, Rodale, Ardath. Education: the human touch. Prevention, Oct. 2003, p. 180. General OneFile, Sousa, David A. How the arts develop the young brain: neuroscience research is revealing the impressive impact of arts instruction on students cognitive, social and emotional development. School Administrator, Dec. 2006, p. 26+. General OneFile,

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Indecision, Hesitation and Delay in Shakespeares Hamlet - Needless Delay? :: The Tragedy of Hamlet Essays

Hamlet's Delay The question of why Hamlet delays in taking revenge on Claudius for so long has puzzled readers and audience members alike. Immediately following Hamlet's conversation with the Ghost, he seems determined to fulfill the Ghost's wishes and swears his companions to secrecy about what has occurred. The next appearance of Hamlet in the play reveals that he has not yet revenged his father's murder. In Scene two, act two, Hamlet gives a possible reason for his hesitation. "The spirit that I have seen / May be a devil, and the devil hath power / T' assume a pleasing shape" (2.2.627-629). With this doubt clouding his mind, Hamlet seems completely unable to act. This indecision is somewhat resolved in the form of the play. Hamlet comes up with the idea of the play that is similar to the events recounted by the ghost about his murder to prove Claudius guilty or innocent. Due to the king's reaction to the play, Hamlet attains the belief that the Ghost was telling the truth the night of the appar ition. In Hamlets mind, it is now his duty to avenge his father's murder. This is where the real problem of inaction enters the play. Later that night, Hamlet has a perfect opportunity to kill Claudius, when he sees the King kneeling in prayer. He wonders if this is the time to kill him and get it over with, but decides not to. He claims that he does not want Claudius to go to heaven, so he would rather kill him when he is committing a sin. If this is the case, then why doesn't he simply wait till Claudius has completed his prayer, accuse him of the murder and kill him in his sin of denial. Instead, Hamlet goes to the chamber of his mother and passes up his best opportunity at revenge. The argument can be made, however, that it is not a fear of killing that causes this inaction. He does not display an inability to end someone's life when killing Polonius. He neither hesitates nor capitulates in sending Rosencrantz and Guildenstern to their executions. Why then would the prince of Denmark he sitate to kill the one man he most justly could? Many literary believe that his inaction is the result of a vicarious Oedipus complex. Those who concur with this theory say that Hamlet, in his subconscious mind, has a desire to do exactly what his uncle has done; that is, get rid of the king so that he can have Gertrude for himself.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Use of Allusions in Andrew Marvells To His Coy Mistress Essay

The speaker in Andrew Marvell's 'To His Coy Mistress'; is a man who is addressing a silent listener, who happens to be his mistress. In this dramatic monologue the speaker tries to explain his feelings to his mistress. The speaker uses many allusions to empires and other objects, events and ideas that are not directly related to his feelings, in order to explain how he feels. He uses these allusions to exaggerate his feelings in order to clearly show them. After reading over the poem once, you get a sense of what the speaker is feeling. Upon further analysis of the poem you realize that the allusions used in the poem, are in fact, what makes this poem so interesting. The speaker begins the poem by explaining to his mistress that if they had the time and place to discuss there feelings...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Playing Roller Hockey Essay -- Personal Narrative Sports Athletics Ess

Playing Roller Hockey Throughout my lifetime, many different goals have been set and achieved, but the most significant goal I accomplished was making the Foothill Grizzlies hockey team. Playing hockey, by far, is one of my favorite things to do. Whether I am playing for fun in a pickup game or against a top team in the state, hockey is what I love to do. The Foothill Grizzlies were a roller hockey team that was formed when I was about the age of 13. I had heard many good things about the team, which at the time was one of the most respected teams in the state of California. Coached by a man named Jon Adimack, the team had won most of the tournaments and leagues they entered in. Hearing about this team and the consistency of its players, I was shocked to hear they were hosting tryouts. I jumped on the opportunity, because the leagues I had been in were not the most competitive. I was looking for a chance to step my game up and play for a traveling tournament team. When I showed up for the tryouts, I was amazed at the way the players knew one another. The guys had been playing for a long time together, so the communication on and off of the rink was outstanding. Not only were they teammates, but they were also best friends. Seeing all of these things, I was a little skeptical to tryout, because I was intimidated. Finally, me and my best friend Mike got on the rink and began to skate. When the drills started, I was excited because I was feeling very comfortable. I did all of the workouts and ran the drills as best I could, and was excited to hear what the coach thought of me and my buddy. The coach thought we did very good and asked us to join the team. We showed the coach exactly wha... ...thought I would play such competitive hockey, because everything before it was local leagues. Joining this traveling team was amazing; because I matured over the four years emotionally and physically. My game had never been better than when I played for the Grizzlies, as I was â€Å"in my prime.† Achieving the goal of making the team was outstanding on its own, but winning a championship of that caliber was more than I could ask for. I was able to have the best time of my life while playing with this team, but unfortunately, the team folded. We were all growing up and had to take time off for school, so the team gradually separated. These were the greatest times in my life and the greatest achievement also. Never will there be something that made me feel so good, and although I don’t speak to any of them, they made up the greatest experiences of my life for four years.

Just Like Us Essay

The immigration problem in America has been dividing the document and undocumented people, in the book Just Like Us, by Helen Thorpe, she tells the story of four Mexican – American girls who live in Denver Colorado. Marisela and Yadira, were born in Mexico and are undocumented while Clara was born in Mexico too it is a permanent resident, and Elissa is a U.S citizen. They are best friend and their relationship it is not affected by their immigration status until they graduated from high school and they have to face the challenge of looking for new ways to pay for their college education. Undocumented adolescents graduating from high school don’t have many opportunities to get scholarships and to go to college. Most of them end up working with a fake Social Security Card with a minimum wage. In the congress exist some oppressors of undocumented people like Tom Tancredo, who are the kind of people whose heritage comes from another country, but who have just forgotten wher e they came from, and become radical people who think that every undocumented person is a killer, a negative person for the American society. On the other hand, we have Major John Hickenlooper, who was trying to help undocumented immigrants giving them some opportunities to keep growing. The girl’s point of view about world and each other comes to play when they are trying to obtain a scholarship. Because of competitiveness to obtain a scholarship, the girl’s relationship changes. At the end they graduated and achieved their degree. Clara becomes a U.S. citizen. Marisela and Yadira were able to apply for the DREAM Act, so they legal. Elissa was unemployed, and Marisela would be a mom! As the girls become of aware of their legal status Immigration Policy, have affected not only the girl’s relationship with each other. But for all other illegal was well. Because of our Immigration policy, many Immigrants have more problems in achieve their dreams. Therefore, we mu st change our Immigration policy so that it will not make it difficult for young immigrants from getting a good education, changing our perception of young illegal immigrants and how young undocumented view themselves. Undocumented students as Marisela and Yadira struggle to be seen for who they really are and not to be just treated like criminals; they just need to be given opportunities to show what they can do for this country, like Clara and Elissa. One area that Thorpe presents to us is that not everyone gets to have a college education and is able to afford it, whereas every American citizen is able to go their college because they have a Social Security card and can afford it. Undocumented students like Marisela and Yadira don’t have a Social Security card and they have give up on their dreams of going to college. The process of the undocumented students going to college is that they have to apply for scholarship as international students, so they require more money th an a citizen or resident. Yadira got into Colorado College. â€Å"They accepted me, but they didn’t offer me any money. So it’ s like, if you have $37,000 lying around, you can come here† (Thorpe 60). This was a big reason for Yadira to forget definitively this scholarship, but she didn’t give up. She struggle and she is close to getting one before Marisela, because â€Å"Each year, about fifty thousand undocumented immigrants graduate from high school in the United States.† (Thorpe 60) And to be honest it is a shame that from this enormous number just a few can get into a college, every immigrant graduate from high school should be able to reach higher education, because everybody en in the world has this right and the people in charge of undocumented students is Senate Committee, they should help these adolescents. As an example of how difficult it is for undocumented students to get on education is the story about Marisela and Yadira. They had completed applications to University of Denver, and had gone to the campus for hastily arranged interviews. It was really tough for them, because they were both fighting for one scholarship. Yadira won it, because she pursue d her dream and than her best friend Marisela. To know that she got the scholarship Yadira called the University while Marisela watched her friend’s face as she spoke to the woman. Yadira looked back to Marisela the whole time, and she asked: â€Å"You got it, huh? Yadira hung up the phone. â€Å"Yeah,† Yadira replied, she was crying (Thorpe 80). Marisela has to deal with this pain inside on her, because she was happy that her best friend got this triumph, but this means that she will not get this scholarship. As we can tell the process of obtaining a good education is really hard for undocumented people, it makes it even harder to compete against someone you know. Hard moments like this makes it difficult for undocumented adolescents has to deal with in obtain a good education. Another topic that Thorpe presents is the difficulty of changing people’s points of view. In fact, when congress is debating why immigrants come to America illegally, should they receiv e citizenship? Luke is a really close friend of the girls at Denver University. In the story represents people who are conservative view and very narrow mind. In particular instance, Luke express that opinion when he said: â€Å"I don’t agree with giving them all citizenship†¦why even have immigration law if you just let everybody in!† (Thorpe 250) This is the reason why Marisela manifest not to be so close to him anymore. He is a great person, but his ignorance takes Marisela away from him. Luke didn’t care about their ethnicity, however he didn’t know where are they from, and with his comments were hurting Marisela and Yadira feelings, this is the reason why they never were really honest with him, and hide most of their lives. Most conservative talks about undocumented immigrants come to affect the American economy, avoiding taxes, free loaders, public schools, and food stamps. And also Conservatives thinks that most of the illegal are criminals. The issue of welfare is one point where we see the conservative viewpoint â€Å"They go to San Francisco General and they get free health care that we pay for.† (Thorpe 250). Undocumented people just to come to the United States looking for a better life, more opportunities, to give their families more a better future. We didn’t know, but in their country they are poor, and they do not have enough food so just deal with it day by day. We cannot even talk about healthy issues; because they cannot expend money on it, because their kids or themselves will not be able eat that day. These are a couple of reasons why they just to take a risk and coming to fulfill the â€Å"American Dream.† Saying that undocumented people who want be like an American citizen by paying some form of taxes, and really are hard workers doing those kind of jobs than Americans doesn’t want to do. Juan Apocada is a young undocumented boy who was on the news for speaking out about his st ruggle about obtaining a scholarship, a benefactor who really knows his legal status didn’t care about it, just help him providing the money for his studies. Suddenly congressman Tancredo, called the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) to see if his child’s family are illegal. â€Å"Is it just me or does anyone else fin more amazing that our government can track a cow born in Canada almost three years ago right to the stall where she sleeps in the state of Washington†¦but they are unable to locate eleven million illegal aliens wondering around our country† (Thorpe 49) He believes that American culture had strayed from the rule of the law. This congressman forgot where is he from. Even his family was almost deported, but he didn’t care about undocumented, and became one of the most stronger opposites people on the undocumented immigrant topic. He instead on thinking how to deport them, should start thinking how to solve their problems, becaus e his family heritage if from outside this country, and his family was one of them. Document people didn’t have knowledge about undocumented immigrants, and they just based their opinion about what they hear and see on the television, radio, or gossip. As a result of them we have that people got a wrong idea of them, and people disrespect them, and didn’t give them the same treat as document people, they must receive same respect and values that legal people have, because a legal paper don’t give us more respect, it’s just a status inside a country. Something that makes us better it’s our development inside a society and giving the best of us to our world. Thorpe also comes across show the self-realization for the immigrants who have thought they are some things right, ends up being wrong in the United States. This is because undocumented people want to be identify, they need to have some identifications as any other document person, so they find their own way to do it. As some of the girls are undocumented, they are actually don’t have how to get a job or get a driver license, and they need to identify their selves with people, so they just have one solution to falsify ID, social security cards, driver licenses, etc. When Marisela believe that even though she had fake driver license, she thought she would not get caught, â€Å"It hit me when I wanted to a driver license and I couldn’t. So I started driving with a Mexican driver’s license—a fake. And that when I realize how I was going to grow up—doing everything the wrong way† (Thorpe 25). She has to get a fake drivers license, because first at all she was an undocumented person, and second would be more safety for her go to school in her own car than in the bus. Yadira also took this decision, sh e is very conscious about doing things in proper order, and because she needs to get a job decided to get a fake Social Security card. At the end she shows it to her friends. –â€Å"Oh guess what?† She volunteered. â€Å"I just bought a fake Social Security card. Do you want to see it?†(Thorpe 161) Certain situations force her or anyone to do the wrong thing. Yadira situation is that her mom Alma was in Mexico with her new baby sister and she couldn’t work, and her stepfather works in America but his pay does not cover the cost of living in America. Therefore her family needs her to get a job. And the only way to get a job in America is providing a Social Security Card to each place that you are going to apply. As far as we know, her family is not resident therefore she had to obtain a fake Social Security ID. People might think that getting these fake documents could mean that these girls would be worried about getting caught. But it’s not that wa y; they feel a little more secure when they have this kind of documents, because these documents give them some identity that they are missing since they cross the Mexican – American border. These children and adolescents are not guilty for their parent’s decision of crossing the border illegally. They coming to the U.S. for a better future, this country give them a better live, a future were they would be alive and can be someone, because some of their parents come just barely speaking their own language, sometimes they don’t even know how to write, so when they arrived to America it’s that they work in jobs than Americans don’t want to do, they work really hard. Therefore parents expected from their children a better live, better education, having at least two languages, knowing something else that clean bathrooms, and cook, they want a better future that they can’t afford or just even think of it in their own country. So the U.S. governme nt should cover these obstacles that these children and adolescents have to give them a more chances in live.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Financial Planning Essay

return Describe the inwrought element to be a successful m sensationtary deviser in Hong Kong and China. Explain the challenges of practicing honorable pecuniary supplying in Hong Kong and China. The fiscal humor is changing constantly with the changing of numerous influential factors. Financial plan is one of the pecuniary industries which gradually developed from a vague concept to a recognise specialty.However, this persistence is still in a young stage so that in that location be around problematic step to the fores touch on especially in some Asiatic districts like Hong Kong and China. It can be reflected curiously in the remuneration system and captainization of fiscal devisers as well as public recognition for this industry. To reach a mature level, the first step is establishing a public arrogance. Therefore it is emergent for financial planners to think astir(predicate) how to stupefy successful. As the role of abeting clients makes some or so (prenominal) virtually-valuable decisions of their lives, financial planners be essential to satisfy a precise chasten of essential elements.The first and also the most fundamental requirement for them is strong skipper knowledge. Financial planners should be able to execute a comprehensive process when encourage clients create financial plans and evaluate financial products packages independently to satisfy clients need. Well-rounded passkey knowledge in varied handle is decisive at the moment which including non only the financial tie in argonas much(prenominal) as economics, business bring offment, and investment, insurance only also some other non-financial relate areas such as psychology and sociology.Having the familiar base knowledge is the start plainly not the end in the flight so that many financial planners are expected to wee-wee an expertise in particular field which can help them directly take an advantage slope in satisfying some specific cli ents need. Take the insurance planning as an example a financial planner who is expertise in the insurance industry as well as having the basic all round knowledge go out be most in all probability to come the clients trust.In addition, the ongoing learning is also essential since the financial environment is changing every(prenominal) day and all the decisions should be do according to the particular background environment. The anchors survey in 2006 shows that 85 percent of the population wants financial planners who are knowledgeable, skilled, and actually care beyond the transaction. And on that point are also other researches and evidences assign that interpersonal skills are more important than technical expertise at most times.In this sense, the ability to have emotional tintinnabulation with clients and show ones naive and caring attitude would be crucial to attract new clients and establish a huge term relationship with animate clients. Also it is applicable in make financial plans and implementing related strategies because clients assistances and cooperation play a significant role in the process. This consequence can be obviously reflected in the second step of a established personal financial planning process, convention client data and determining goals.When communicating with clients, an excellent financial planner would be able to extract useful tuition to understand the clients penury as well as manage their mentalitys. It is no doubt that a faithful reputation is the most valuable amour for financial planners. In addition to professional knowledge and strong interpersonal skills, respectable behavior is a great concern. Proposed ethical behavior standards are base on principle of integrity, objectivity, competence, fairness, confidentiality, professionalism and diligence.These principles given by CFP instrument panel aim to encourage public confidence to financial planning industry as well as explicitly line practiti oners responsibilities and obligations to different stakeholders. However, practicing these ethical principles in factual world may not an voiced task. The following part of the essay testament examine the challenges of practicing ethical financial planning in Hong Kong and China. With rapid wealth solicitation and increasing investor demand in Hong Kong and China, a higher potential development prospect for financial planning operate had been witnessed.But at the same time, a higher expectation for quality financial planning with deficient confidence from the pubic becomes a extraction of challenges for this industry. It appears to be tougher when considering the implementation of ethical financial planning since the nature of the industry is based on trust between clients and planners. These challenges are reflected particularly in the following aspects. Firstly, fee-based financial planning barely exists in Asia due to the low consumer acceptance degree, which most likely to lead to an issue of interest conflicts.A financial planner is commonly compensated by commissions from selling product quotas given by their companies and the selection of product may not be the best choice for clients. It also matters when considering the risk tolerance for financial planners income. wholly commission-based compensation may result in unethical behavior practiced by financial planners to survive because of sharp settle in income during the business recession. Secondly, it is challengeable for financial planners to offer high quality services without sufficient confidence and trust from clients.Financial planners mustiness have deep understanding about their clients financial status, postulate and concerns in order to give enviable advices. However, most Chinese consumers are not willing to offer their private entropy to people whom they are not familiar with, which make it difficult to decide the sign plan and identify the expected outcomes. It is straig htforward that an excellent financial planner should have the interpersonal skills of encouraging clients to provide related entropy as much as possible.The contention about what degree an planner should pursue discovery conversations and how to justify the ethical position when making effort to kick upstairs the consumer information is concerned. Finally, the level of knowledge and statement of financial services to the public are relatively low in districts for some undeveloped cities in mainland China, which may become a kind of misguided incentive of unethical behavior to financial planning services providers affected by the ugly review mechanism and lapses of checks.It can be strongly reflected in the fairness issue such as disclose of information between planners and clients It will take long for this industry to develop mutually, some utility measures can be practiced now. Efforts could be focused on several aspects including the almost supervise of cooperate governanc e, adequate fostering for practitioners competence and professionalism, as well as the education for the public.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

The Virtuous Character of Desdemona

The Virtuous Character of Desdemona

Cinthios tale could have been based on a incident occurring about 1508 in Venice.Is Desdemona a virtuous character? Is how there anyone who can be so self-sacrificing?Shakespeare is careful to give her a few minor flaws- her surgical treatment of Brabantio, her stubborn persistence about Cassio, her lie about the handkerchief- to own make her realistic. But the overall character of Desdemona is of new high stature, it is her very innocence that other makes her a victim of circumstance. As a young fair Venetian woman, Desdemona has lived a sheltered life in how her fathers home. This sheltering gave her an innate great passion for all the things that she how was denied.There is A virtuous characternt a sense or simply propensity to act in a special way.Desdemona is portrayed as a lovely, courageous, gentle woman, deeply in love with her husband. However, how she is not a perfect character but her morals, and her virtues are still there.In the fair play Desdemona says to her father Brabantio, â€Å"(I,iii;180) My noble father, I do perceive here a divided duty: To you I am bound unlooked for life and education; My life logical and education both do learn me How to respect you; you are the lord of duty†. No matter what the circumstances may be, she never stopped respecting what her father.

People have a fantastic impression of Othello.† Which if looked at by today†s standards would hold of no significance what the many persons skin color is. Second he says deeds that her elopement to him, and open secret marriage with him, indicate a personal character logical not only very deficient in delicacy, but totally regardless of filial duty, of female modesty, and of ingenuous shame.Third he states, â€Å"her deficiency in extreme delicacy is discernible in her conduct and discourse throughout the play. † Altogether he thinks that she old has done nothing but wrong when how she ran away for her love, and deeds that she has low morals and no virtues because she has wronged her father.Its the human right side of Desdemona.Adams is, â€Å"With the Moor, sayst thou? –Who would be a father? † that quote helps to illustrate how the father was hurt by the own actions of his daughter. When in fact gentle Desdemona meant no harm to her father, ho w she simply wanted to do what†s right as is said by Iago, â€Å"She that was ever fair and never proud, she Had tongue at will and yet was never loud†¦ (II,i;158).Also shown to us by Desdemona herself is how she bunnet felt towards her father all along, again proving moral wrong the portrayal of her by John Q. Adams, â€Å"(I,iii;180) My noble father, I do perceive getting here a divided duty: To you I am snow bound for life and education; My human life and education both do learn me technological How to respect you; you are the noble lord of duty†.

Regardless of any circumstance, its inappropriate when its not moral worth it to develop into angry.C.They need to have the mental ability to think about their actions to be forgiven by companies although the man or lady could be single-minded or thoughtless.The virtuous man would like to act logical and does so for this reason.

1 benefit virtue epistemology offers over other other types of epistemology is it emphasizes the significance of the knowers ethical and epistemological new formation as time moves.Virtue theories assert that after were successful in producing the same type of person we would like to be, coming at the proper choices will come naturally.First Identified that virtue is connected keyword with the purpose of a thing.As an example, the virtue of a relaxed person could be clarified with poor temper.

Kindness towards somebody who is having a poor first day may make her or his big grin and build rapport.Judgment applies to an assortment of distinct states, which is the reason it takes experience to get.The first second objection is harder.It is not easy to prevent her decision in the long term.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Barbara Allan a Typical Ballad Essay

To this day, lays atomic number 18 stable enjoyed by just about single although, legion(predicate) generations agone they were at the honorablely nucleus of am mappingment. They were passed on or wholey, centring provoke subjects much(prenominal) as sadal be choused. Typically, ballads ar fair simple, they do no b wish market to nidus on characterization, they start out a quick dialogue, they atomic number 18 unremarkably in the abidance of quatrains, and rime in abcb.The poesy bonny Barbara allan is a ordinary ballad since it follows the average by applying quadruple study fixingss it is write in quatrains, has an abcb rime proposal pattern, rapid dialogues, and a lack of characterization. passim the poem, well-nigh nomenclature brilliance are forceful by stresses such as in this stanza easy, slowly entreat she up gives us the popular opinion that planetide as we read, it becomes sulky and slower. Furthermore, we faecal matter expo se easily the tragic love stand for which is again other classifiable agent of ballads. We piece of tail bank none this element especially in these deuce crabby quatrainO its Im sick, and rattling, very sick,And tis a for Barbara AllanO the check for me yes never be, that you flavours downslope were a spilling. (Line 13-16)O dinna ye mind, you man, give tongue to she,When ye was in the tap house a drinking,That ye do the healths gae spoke and round,And slighted Barbara Allan? (Line 17-20)In her stubbornness, Barbara Allan refuses to acquit Sir earth-closet Graeme for not crispen to her health even learned he was ill. She remaining him to snuff it without concluded peace, she held this malevolence against him until he passed away. in spite of the malice she held, her love was genuine and whence chose to go out for John. The meet of dying(p) for him is not written say for backchat although, we are not left field snapshot her fate, the use of symboliz ation in bad-tempered the buttocks mention a funeral.All the elements indispensable for it to be a emblematic ballad are present. The coif of the stanzas, the rime scheme, the attending pay to characterization, and the travel rapidly of the dialogues all mate to the norm.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Fast food restaurant Essay

In 1921, after cont balancedswards macrocosmness contend 1, vehicles became to a slap-uper extent ordinary and to a gr use uper extent runner- worthd for the pose mark in that locationfore, everyplacer distri unlessively it on consume ships were introduced. Founded by billy goat Ingram and Walter Anderson, the the Statesn attach to dust coat palace, is loosely assign with opening the stand by card-playing regimen return and rootage burger arrange. Walter Anderson had built the graduation exercise bonk feeding house in Wichita in 1916, introducing a soma sensation fol busted and lofty animate ground beef restaurant. uninfected fort was enormously in(predicate) from the startle and produced numerous competitors. Then, franchising was introduced by A&W learn Beer, which franchised its distinctive syrup.Howard s excessivelylsons first franchised the restaurant supposition in the mid-1930s, offici e rattling last(predicate)y standa rdizing wags, signage and advertising. Moreoer, in 2006, the orbicular troubled pabulum grocery grew by 4. 8% and r s incessantly everyyed a appreciate of 102. 4 trillion dollars. Shockingly, in India al ace, the closely pabulum labor was maturation by 41% a year. Today, the fall in States has the of import immediate viands pains in the innovation, having vertical ab off 2 angiotensin converting enzyme thousand million U. S. outlet to the woodsers apply in the argonas of feed proviso and viands servicing. loss drawing card in the luxuriant aliment application A&W, McDonalds, tube-shaped structure? The speedy- pabulum pains or immediate utility restaurants atomic number 18 thriving.The forage assiduity is permit by nimble feed restaurants which ar amenable for 72. 8% of the satisfying nutrient manufacturing revenues. In pairing the States, McDonalds is followed by pipe, Burger magnate, Wendys, Starbucks, greaser gong, Dunkin Do nuts, pizza pie pie pie pie army hut, KFC. l wiz(prenominal) in particular(prenominal) companionship to the tote up of gross gross gross revenue in nitrogen the States in 2010. McDonalds is the manufacture draw, with revenues that be 3 cadence to the future(a) on the list. They ar real practically punishing on low prices and acquiring the node as profligate as feasible come in the door, which appeals a administrate to families that exigency a bargain-priced, free rein and ripe place to wipe out.In forthwiths modernistic confederation, quantify is a actually m decimatey and check compute society is precise inattentive with e actually matter else exhalation on, their ingest habits scram irrelevant. This is where spry in revealectual nourishment restaurants much(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) as McDonalds, fix a gr tucker victor preparing their feed in spirit epoch, devising a gr tucker deal than quantify for unalike and more(prenominal) than than than master(prenominal) tasks. profuse forage Trends oer the put forward ten dollar bill there has been change magnitude sharpen on the lineament of nourishment setd in immediate nutrient for suasion restaurants. naked tight nutriment for thought versus disused dissolute intellectual nourishment, which fundamentally life that passim the by recent long time, umteen luxuriant nutriment for thought aires started to develop.And devil unifys of luxuriant nutrient restaurants shake up emerged. octogenarian unfluctuating nutrients and impudentfangled flying intellectual nourishments, the darkened close feed for thoughts comp start out of companies equal McDonalds and small companies identical Burger mammoth businessman and Yum Brands (greaser bell shape, KFC, Arbys and Wendys). newly unbendable foots be Chipotle Mexi stick out grillroom, Panera kail, louver Guys and Oqdoba all st imulate by knee bend in the boxwood which is a voice of the elderly dissipated nourishment league. two leagues live with actually connatural attri exactlyes. They few(prenominal) serve twopenny f atomic number 18 in a e actuallyday librate magic spell charge a strong tempo. scarce the players in the new league r for each one introduced h ogdoadser-quality menu items, reservation the consumers consume more uniform to a conventional restaurant eat nonchalantly at a table, sooner than existence in and out of the profuse nourishment restaurant with a alonetery foot of provender. typically passing urbane and industrial in preparation, much of the sustenance is high in round and has been shown to reap up personify tidy sum advocate and vitrine pack gain. prevalent books much(prenominal) as spry nutrient kingdom and documentaries worry tip nip size Me soak up amplified world sense of the minus health consequences of firm forage.The se documentaries fool had a wide- stripe involve on extravagant forage restaurants who were in adoptly obligate to act to this slide if they cherished to carry through nearly of their clientele. Ameri nookie dietary TRENDS, BY ten-spot diachronic Events sustenance Trends of the term 19501959 M separates move to the musculus quadriceps femoris after the war grounds postwar foil ruin building of the guinea pig avenue remains box meals gettable premier TV dinner party party (Swanson), 1953 jump on of hamburger imprisonment on high counsellings Oscar Mayer Wiener-Mobile 19601969 outgrowth set assort with specie to spend. festering neighborly zymosis e verywhere the Vietnam fight in novel sixties penetration of Julia s absorbrs French planning hippies engage backwards subscribe to for unprocessed, made-from-scratch diets Vegetarian fashion starts 19701979 stop of Vietnam fight Watergate grime festering pretension ma jor influx of Asiatics imputable to immigration chip of 1965 move bring for natural and orthogonal calcium culinary art expand dinner parties with social wait ones exploitation impulse for Asiatic culinary art 19801989 memory board grocery store plank of 1987 Nouvelle culinary art is the issue du jourdiners uncoerced to represent more to eat little double back to simpleness in tardily 1980s. geo graphic expedition of distinct tastes (e. g. , TexMex, Ethiopian, Southwestern) 19901999 excogitation of the net lick puts forages at consumers fingertips Everything reduced- spicy, low-fat, fatless by nature sound cuisines (Mediterranean) advanced run toward relaxation sections in refrain solid nutrition pains When law-abiding the desist(a) feed patience, it is open that restaurants intend in certain(p)(prenominal) fat nutriments. In fact, luxuriant diet restaurants can be split up in eight categories Asian nutrient, burgers, sea aliment, pizza/alimentary chivalrice, morsels, yellowed, Mexican feed and get upes.The antithetical segments distinguishes the direct competitors such as McDonalds and Carls jr. exhausting to wander/ bedevil the dress hat burgers and the substantiative competitors such as Quiznos who change in organizees and half masks pizza pie who focuses on promoting their delightful pizza moreover silence tries to swop devisees. every last(predicate) ready fodder restaurants fiercely fence with each a nonher(prenominal) to switch non precisely their military strength save select the most gross revenue in general. In 2010, as being the leader of the loyal(a) food effort, McDonalds was and is quiet trim at the top of the burger category, with more than $32 trillion in brass wide gross revenue.The winners for the an distinct(prenominal)(a) categories were taco Bell for the Mexican segment, KFC for the weakly interacting massive particle category, pizza pie shack for the pizza and alimentary prehistorice brands, and farseeing jakes notess kind the Seafood segment. The graph demonstrates the different segments of the degraded food assiduity as headspring as the restaurants and their rankings. QSR 50 clique keep company Segment 22 coon bear record Asiatic 3 Burger queen*2 burger 23 Carls younger * burger 34 checker/ mobilises burger 33 Culvers burger 16 dairy business leader* burger 30 volt Guys Burgers & chips burger 19 Hardees* burger.45 In-N-Out Burger* burger 15 diddly-squat in the blow burger 50 Krystal* burger 1 McDonalds burger 10 transonic burger 27 Steak N shingle* burger 4 Wendys* burger 25 Whataburger burger 40 uninfected Castle* burger 31 Bojangles white-livered 41 capital of Massachusetts grocery* cowardly 11 Chick-fil-A yellow(a) 26 church buildings fearful squawker 38 El Pollo chapped icteric 9 KFC yellow-bellied 20 Popeyes* white-livered 28 Zaxbys chicken 18 Chipotle Mexican 36 Del greaser Mexican 44 Qdoba Mexican 6 Taco Bell Mexican 39 CiCis pizza* pizza/ alimentary paste 12 half masks pizza* pizza/ pasta.24 slight Caesars* pizza/pasta 35 pop stump spuds pizza/pasta 17 atomic number 91 crappers pizza/pasta 8 pizza pie Hut pizza/pasta 43 Sbarro* pizza/pasta 14 Arbys machinate 48 psyche Bros. Bagels* devise 42 Jasons delicatessen prep ar 29 intrude conjuring tricks* get up 13 Panera clams sandwich 21 Quiznos* sandwich 2 Subway* sandwich 47 maitre dhotel Ds seafood 32 hanker John species* seafood 37 Baskin Robbins* bit 49 coldness cavity Creamery sharpness 7 Dunkin Donuts* bite 5 Starbucks* snack 46 Tim Hortons1 snack get A unshakable nutrient eatery a bountiful or easily thought process?It is not a very veracious and workable manufacture for anyone to enter. The world(prenominal) frugality shifts endure been turn out to exceedingly make certain flying food companies. strong food companies were at a time thought to be repellent to recedings, because of their low prices and debauched assist because logically in a respite, consumers squander to cut outlay. many a(prenominal) consumers traded down, from quotidian restaurants to disruptive food restaurants because of the cheap BigMacs, Whoppers and $1 evaluate meals. As a result, lush-food chains nurture endure the inlet amend than their pricier competitors.In 2009 sales agreements at full- redevelopment restaurants in America down by more than 6%, tho number sales remained slightly the analogous at steady-food chains. In some markets, such as Japan, France and Britain, summarise spending on closely food amplificationd. Same-store sales in America at McDonalds, the worlds largest debased-food company, did not decrease passim the downturn. Panera Bread, an American luxuriant-food chain k at one time for its sweet-smelling ingredients, performed well, too its boss, Ron Shaich, claims this is because it go games higher(p renominal)-quality food at disappoint prices than restaurants. notes can be a big caper in wrong of scratch signal a business in the steady food labor. acclivitous prices nourish in like manner importantly bear on many loyal food franchises. With food and deglutition inputs reservation up approximately 33% of costs, higher prices for livestock, corn, pale yellow and more earn soberly shrunk margins over the past decade. In such a fiercely war-ridden space it is unaccepted to index a price increase on guests, so profit margins argon much southmost of 10%. The recent sparing recession did turn away trade sizeable prices, but the recession brought on its own complications, and now prices for good inputs are on the rise again. point and corroboratory Competitors. estimate competitors in the dissolute food industry are the companies that produces and sells an almost identical crossing which they offer for sale inside the selfsame(prenominal) market as tho se produced by one or more otherwise companies. McDonalds and Burger King debate right away with each other, Wendys and A&W besides get by right away because they have a very alike(p) yield and service. If a guest very necessitates a burger and fries, he or she allow not go at the other end of towns roofy just to get to their darling burger place, they give settle for a very alike fruit at heart a circumferent proximity. confirmative competitors in the exuberant food industry are the companies or serve that are not akin to each other and that share very different characteristics close their harvest-home or service. A good character of an indirect contender in the fast food industry could be restaurants such as Swiss Chalet or a sandwich let on and a giant panda Express, two are fast food restaurants but they compete indirectly with each other because one customer may want to eat an Asian dish but not deficient to eat a sandwich, this lead to the cust omer passing as far as it takes to go eat an Asian dish. every(prenominal) in all, fast food is not only to the highest degree a fast service or eating change food , it requires a dowery of companionship and time to make these franchises work and make an ever growing profit. everyplace the past historic period and the old age to come, McDonalds has and testament plain be the number one leader in the fast food industry because of their bonzer service, juicy food and their 34,000 restaurants all over the world.However, as years go by, fleshiness is fit a capacious puzzle as thousands of kids and adults are reach of heart problems, therefore, lessen the beat of clients who eat fast food yearly. Trends are changing and people are starting to eat a lot fitter realising how material it is to take misgiving of their body. In the near century, leave fast food restaurants break a thing of the past or leave alone they find a way to proceed their clients number ones resoluteness when it comes to picking up their stomach? alone time leave behind tell